... and also COLES, Myra The Complete Computer Sewing Book (646.2044 COL) A clear and comprehensive guide to computer sewing and its uses in the home. TOOGOOD, Alan The Conservatory (728.9 TOO) Planningr planting and furnishing your sun lounge. BREEN, Kit H. Photographing Wild Fowl (778.932 BRE) Techniques for the advanced amateur professional. and BARNARD, Nicholas Living with Decorative Textiles (746.09 BAR) Tribal art from Asia, Africa and the Americas i^ril Showers Puppet Theatre Don't miss The Three Little Pigs - a puppet show extravaganza for 3-7 year olds. Drop ini Tuesday, April 3rd, at 3:30 p.m. ********** Toddler Storytime Registration now being accepted for upcoming sessions of 2 year old storytime. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please register early to avoid disappointment. For 3*s Only All three year olds are invited to join us for stories, action games and film strips. No registration necessary. Drop in! Every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. ********** Big Bear Storytime Longer stories and film strips for 4 to 6 year olds. This storytime is filled with fun! No registration necessary. Drop in! Every Friday at 10:30 a.m. ********** Book/Cassette Sets - 2 formats in one paclcage. Select a bag containing a booJc and cassette of favourite stories. These sets are located in three different areas in the Department: CAS J STO sets - CAS J TEEN sets - CAS J FRE sets behind the Children's Information Des)c in Teen Section in French section nniiu n UBE4KV CLOSED Apri( 13' /?*/6 â- 9 null nil LIBRARY HOURS - 1990 Monday to Friday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m, Sundays (Oct.-June) 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. APRIL LIBRARY NEWS The Friends of the West Vancouver Memorial Library have been around in one guise or another for as long as the building itself - longer in fact, because it was a group of determined and energetic individuals who launched the idea of a public library as a suitable war memorial for the community in the first place. That was bac)c in the mid 1940s. Over the forty years (yes, forty!) of the Memorial Library's existence, the Friends' group has waxed and waned, sometimes being vigorous and strong, sometimes dropping out of sight altogether for a few years. But always when there has been a major project or need facing our community's library service our Friends (whether or not formally instituted as such) have been there. The Memorial Library has a major need right now, being seriously overcrowded and in need of a major expansion, and it is probably no coincidence that the Friends of the Library are busier and are maJcing a more significant contribution than they have in years. The membership, at this relatively early point in the new membership year, is around 100. Besides arranging and hosting monthly recep- tions to launch the regular art exhibits in the Library, the group organizes two booJc sales VfEST VANCOUVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1950 Marine Drive West Vancouver B.C. V7V 1J8 (604) 926-3291