-6- 1 aistributed bv ~he Government. No action resulted from this petition and B.C. pilots continued to operate under the Pilotage Ordinance of I867 long after the province joined Confederation in IS7I? In May 1973 the dominion Government passed An Act Respecting Pilotage giving power to local pilotage authorities to examine and license pilots, to make regulations governing pilot boats, to set pilotage rates and to decide 3 disputes involving pilots*; Also under this Act, every local authority was to retain its posers until abrogated by an Order in Council^!' Thus on May 5th, 1^75 a Pilotage district including ’^the entire Coast of British Columbia with its rivers and harbours^* was established under a locally constituted Pilotage Authority. At this time, also, pilotage dues were made compulsory throughout the provinne. Two years later the first set of By-Laws was 5 approved and these provided that besides pilots, master and mates 1. d.B. Smith, op.cit. 2. Report of Royal Commission, I96B, op.cit, P, 13. 3. Statuttes of Canada, 36 Victoria, Chap. 54* 4. Report of Royal Commission, 196^, op.cit. ,P. 13. 5. Amended Pilotage By-laws, July lo77, Provincial Archives of B.C. NWp 527 BB62.