the following monthT R.V/. Stevens in his book Stowage of Cargo published in Lonaon in 1B69 describes the shipping in Burrard Inlet at that time and mentions the availability of pilots 9 either from Victoria or at English Bay in Burrard Inlet]" however the preferred method of navigating sailing vessels into Vancouver harbo^ur at this time seems still to have been by Steam-tug from Victoria. After tha union of the two colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, a further ordinance was passed (Ord. jf30, 1^67) ^^to assimilate the laws for the Regulation of pilotage in all parts of the colony of British Columbia’^t However this legislation did not improve the lot of 3.G. pilots in general and on February Sth, 1S69 the Select Committee on Pilotage presented a report of the Legislature advising chat the present system of pilots collecting and retaining the fees for each job should be abandoned and that pilots should In future be salaried Government officer^ v;ith fees being collected and 1. B.C. Government Gazette, llthu November, I865. 2. J.K.. Hamilton, VJestern Shores, Progress Publishing Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. 1932, Pp. IS4-I9O. 3. N. Hacking, Letter to author, op.cit. 4* D.B. Smith, op.cit.