Governmeiit Gazette - October 14, 1^63 - GoveriTber 11, 1563. Amended. Pilotage by-laws, July lc77 - Provincial Archives of E.C. I-rjp 327 ~ B562. Minute Book, Yale .and. Nev/ Vvestrninster Pilotage Authority 1579 - 19! Vancouver ‘^ity Archives, Ad,’ Mss 36. Agreement between Capt. T. Guns and Burrard Inlet pilot? dated February 13th, 1916, Vancouver City Archives. Diary of -^homas Grafton, 1906 - courtesy L. Grafton, Letters r.V/. Alexander to Major J,S. Piattnews, June 23rd, 1936, Vancouver City Archives. U. Hacking to the Author, February gth, 1976, Telephone and personal interviews Captain J.H. Cates with the author - February- 1976 Captain V.R. Covington v/ith the author - Hay 1976 L. Grafton v;ith the author - April 1976 firs. R. Greene Bailey with the anithor - February 1976 Captain B^.L. Jolinson v/ith the author - February 1976. Photographs Courtesy Vancouver City Archives, L. Grafton and taken by the author.