-23 'eriodi cal: British Colcjnbia Historical Quarterly Vol. ^ newspapers The Colonist ~ J^ane 11, 1866, January 11, 1869, December 15, 1882, Hay 4th, 1890, April 10th, 1893, May 15th, 1894 March 8th, 1899. Mainlana Guardian ~ February 2nd, I878. Cariboo Sentinel - August 19th, 186?. The Province - August 7th, 1941 February 21st, 1947. Typescripts Captain F.N. Fddy - History of b.c. Pilotage, 1970, Vancouver I!aritime Museujn, D.B. Smith - The Early History of Pilotage in b.C., 1963 provincial Archives of B.C. JGP 5^i5 Manuscript Sour^^^ Statutarr of Canada, 36 Victoria, Chap 54. Canada Sessional Papers 1873, Paper ^5 k