iDiiograp-v jjGok; Akri-o Helen Akrigg - B.C» Chronicle , Discovery Press, Vancouver, B.C. 1975 U, Hacking and G.A. Cram - Annals of the koyal Vancouver Yacht Club, Evergreen Press Ltu., Vancouver, B._. 1965. d-ll. Hamilton - Western Shores, Progress Publishing Co. Ltd., Vancoui^er, 3,0. 1932 Lewis Dryden - Marine History of the Pacific North West, ed. E.W. Wright, 1^95 J.S. Marshall and Carrie Marshall - Vancouver^ s Voyage, Mitchell Press, Vancouver, B.C, 2nd edition, 196?. J.S. Matthews - Early Vancouver, Volumes III, IV and VI, Vancouver City Archives. 4. Morley - From Millto^Ana to Metropolis, Mitchell Press, Vancouver, B.C. 1961. R. Bruce Scott - Breakers Ahead, Reviev/ Publishing House, Sidney, B.C. 1970. Captain J.T. Walbran - B.C. Coast Names 1592 ~ 1906, J.J. Douglas Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. 1909, reprinted 1971. Report of the ^~^oyal Gonmission on Pilotage - Study of Canadian Pilotage - Pacific Coast and Churchill, Part II, 1963, Queen^s Printer, Ottawa, Ont. 1963. B.C. Pilot, 1333, Provincial Archives of B.C. IPW 527 07^66