-10- centrai auanority versus regional pilot boards, haa been a source of public controversy for many years.^ . In an attempt to correct this dissatisfaction a Commission v/as appointea in 1910, under the Chairmanship of Thomas Robb to ’^inquire into anu report upon the condiuion>j in the Pilotage districts of Vanco\iver, Victoria Hanaimo and Wsstninster and to recommend, if necessarv, an}'’ o changes found desirable therein?"' Additional problems were also caused at this time by the return of servicementfrom the naval reserve who set up a separate pilot service under the name of Vancouver Pilots and in opposition to ohe alreaviy established B*G. Pilots,^ ana a oeriod of cut-throat competition ensued with pilots cruising off the entranc of Juan de Fuca Straits in order to ’^speak^» incoming vessels first* This unorganised activity led to frequent instances of incompetent and totally unqualified pilots being in charge of ships entering and leaving Burrard Inlet and ^hen the Robb Commission handed dovm The Colonist, 15th December, 1002, 0th March, 1099. Royal poramission on Pilotage, I960, p, lA, Captain F.N. Eddy, History of B.G.Pilotage. 1970, Vancouver Maritime Museum. 2. 3.