zo the fifty-first p.= railel of Il.orth Latitude} presumatiy exciudiay Lew V/eStniinsterIn 1913 a proposal was put forward that the Vancouver Harbour Commission should absorb the Pilotage Authority - an event which caused considerable concern ana prompted the Board to urge the Minister to give the matter ’’serious consiaeration†before making such a ’’drastic changeâ€V In any event the proposal was never proceeded with, perhaps due to the commencement of hostilities in Lurope in 1911, an event which caused a mild stir among the pilots of Caulfeild, One of their brethren, Pilot E.L. Johnson, snr., in a ’’most patriotic 3 actâ€'^ volunteered for submarine service - an act v/hich his fellow pilots regarded as somewhat less than beneficial to themselves for which they were roundly and officially scolded by the Pilotage Authority.^" During V/orld V/ar I dissatisfaction witn the pilotage increased, with particulariobjection to the compulsory payment of pilotage dues, a subject which, like the question of one 1. Minute Book, Yale and New V/estminster Pilotage Authority, op.ci 2, Ib id. ^ 3. Ib id. Ibid. 5. Royal Commission on Pilotage, 1965, op.cit. P. 11.