-16- a gasoline launch v;aa purchased by the pilots at a cost of .l;ii03.?3' 2 and by this time a tendep,the Pilot, was also in use. One other significant event of the first ciecaae of the new century v/as the division of the Yale and New v/estminster Pilotage Authority into two districts, v/ith the creation in 1904 of the Vancouver Pilotage district whose board members remained the same as the original Board for that year, a nevr board being appointed 3 to deal with Nevf Westminster and ths Fraser River.This allowed the Vancouver Board to give more of the committee’s time tc considering improvements in Vancouver Harbour, an issue with v/hich the Board .4 later became deeply concerned. during these years prior to the First l/or2d vJar the number of pilots in Burrard Inlet v/as growing and in 1910 no less than six pilots signed a recommendation to ths Board that the ’’Point Atkinson Pilot Station (should) be the boarding or speaking point for ail ports in existence or to be made on the Mainland up 1 Minute Book, Yale and New V/sstmmnster Pilotage Authority, op.clt Ibid. * 3 4 Report of Royal Commission, 19'6B, op.lijit. P. 13. Piinute Book, Yale and Nev; Westminster pilotage Authority, cp-cit