-15- haa coasi'aarable responsibility and through the years this post v;as filled by Charlie Gates} both W.A. and Thomas Graftorf and Captain Frank Kettle'^ among others. Thomas GraftorJs alary for the year 1906 sho^s that the boatmarf s tasks incluaed weekly trips to Eiiglish for relief pilots and supplies and numerous trips out ir.f:o the inlet for the pilots to ^^speak^^ vessels. In 1903 the elegant sloop Claymore was sold for $500.00-; though V/.A. Grafton recalls that she was dismantled after the building of the pilot house}^ However, in this case it would a.ppear that Mr. Grafton^ 3 memory is at fault, for the Claymore reappears in I906 as the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club flagship Glani belonging to Mr, R.H. Alexander, which v/as described as being the '’original pilot boat Claymore^’, converted to }^wl rig n in 1901 by Mr. Alexander who at that time, was Chairman of the Yale ana New V/estminster Pilotage Authority, To replace the Clainore 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Captain J.H. Cates, Conversation with Author, February 1976, L. Grafton, Conversation v/ith the Author, April 197c. The Province. 7th July, 1941. diary for 1906 of Thomas Grafton, property of L. Grafton Minute Book, Yale and New V/estminst-ar Pilotage 'Authority, op.cit. Major J.S. Matthews - notes of a conversation with W.A. Grafton, 24th April, 1941, op.cit. N. Hacking and G.A. Cram, Annals of the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club Evergreen Press Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. 1965, P. 20.