-12~ was reached between the pilots workiag in Burrard Inlet and their tours of duty in the Vancouver area v?ere lengthened to a month, ten Uays of vdifch were to be spent on the Claymore, with two months in Victoria to follow. By this time the ownership of the Claymore appears to have been shared equally between Captains Urq^uhart, Btcershank, Bebbington and Robertson, all of v/hom v/orked Vancouver harbour, though Captain Urquhart dropped out of the arrangement shortly afterv>/ards over the question of a smuggled boat - a matter for which he was subsequently brought to trial^* Further to the initial agreement between the pilots, an arrangement was made between them'and they s. Pilotage Authority for the division of surplus funds among the pilots on a seniority basis, in addition to the $150.00 monthly stipend drawn by each pilot. There seems to be some question whether in fact the secretary of the Authority dealt entirely fairly v/ith the pilots ofS the question of this quarterly division such of funds, but, perhaps understandably, no mention of any/dispute 3 appears in the Boardss minutes. 1. Minute Book, Yale and New V/astminster Pilotage Authority, op.- » cit. 2. Agreement drav/n up between Captain T. Guns and the Burrard Inlet pilots, 15th February, 1916. Vancouver City Archivt 3. Mrs. Ruth Greene Bailey, Conversation with Author, February, 1976.