to the use of Victoria pilots to guiae tsaciing vessels in ana out of Vancouver- harboijir, Despite being described as *^of comparatively easy accessâ€^ and despite the building of Point Atkinson light- house . on the North-west headland of the inlet in 1^757 Burrard Inlet posed some considerable hazards to the unfamiliar navigator. Most particular of these v/as the tidal action through the narrov/s at the entrance to the inner harbour and ’^strangers will do iN^ell to anchor in English Bay before proceeding v/as the v/arning carried in the B.C. Pilot for l^SS^ while F/N. Alexander (son of R.H. Alexander of the Burrard Inlet Pilotage Authority) recalls but one vessel ever Negotiating the narrov/s without a pilot^ It is therefore hardly surprising that the local inhabitants were anxious to set up their own official pilotage authority - a desire that on 14th May, 1^79, was met 1. 2. 3. 3«G. Pilot, IS^S, provincial Archives of B.C., N\^527 0*7^66 Canada Sessional Papers, 1^75, Paper ^5, Pp* 23-4 B,G. Pilot. op.cit. F.V/.Alexander, Letter to Major J.S. Matthev/s, 23rd June, 1936, Vancouver City Archives.