10 Creek. Included in the area to be served was all of the old Larson Estate. This by-law was voted on and approved on April 23rd, 1927. Consequently, in anticipation that the main from Nelson Creek would be installed in time to meet the heavy demand for water that summer Gleneagles Limited dropped their project. But by late June, with the golf course seeded and grass springing up, there was still no water. A complaint to Council evoked the response that on June 20th a decision had been made to call tenders for clearing a trail and opening a ditch for a water main from Nelson Creek intake to Marine Drive and thence along that road which was, by that time, under construction. Notwithstanding their concern regarding water a notice appear- ed in the local weekly paper of June 30,'1927, that the Glen- eagles Golf Course was now open for play. Fiscal agents were listed as R.P, Clark &'-.Co. Ltd., Vancouver, with the- firm of C.J."Archer Ltd., West Vancouver as local -agent.. In a letter to the West Van. News, June 17, 1927, Capt. Archer, president of' the firm, wrote as follows: ' ' Dear Sir: As a member of- the Gleneagles Golf and Country Club, I would like to draw the attention of the residents of our Municipality to the splendid progress which has been made to date. The course is almost ready for play and opening games will take place 1st July. This enterprise is a credit to the Municipality and is resultant from the efforts of a few interested citizens who appreciate the att- ractions and beautiful setting and possibilities of the chosen location. In writing this letter I am desirous of suggesting that for community reasons, the membership respresentation from West Vancouver should form the dominating influence, which will ensure its permanent establishment as a West Vancou- ver Golf Club for West Vancouver residents. A very attractive feature of the membership condition, is that the family of a member are entitled to all play- ing and general privileges of the Club. This has been specially provided for in keeping with the policy adopted to encourage a pleasant family recreational atmosphere. The Directorate will eventually consist principally of West Vancouver members, which policy has already been launched by the election of Reeve