-5- twenty one years. Hov/ever before this twenty-one year period had expired, V/orld War II was declared and in 1943, with the intensification of hostilities in the Pacific, VJest Vancouver was required by the Department of National Defence to agree to lease the following premises. »»All of Lot 447(1) in the District of West Vancouver which said portion lies south of a line drawn parallel to and 22 chains perpendicularly distant southerly from the north boundary of the said lot, containing an area of approximately seventy acresâ€; this agreement to be renev/able every year but ;V.not for longer than the duration of the present state of war ana tv/elve months hereafterâ€.^ This land, in due course with the cessation of hostilities, was restored to park use, though many of the buildings immediately north of the lighthouse, and the cleared areas around them are relics of the army»s occupation, as is the road linking the lighthouse with Marine Drive in West Vancouver The foundations of the searchlights installed each side of the lighthouse during the war are still visible. 1. West Vancouver Agreements 37 and 3^, op.cit. 2. L.W. Grafton. Interview v/ith the v/riter, 14 May 1973.