-4- Crown-granted to the Dominion governinont for a lighthouse reserve in iSSl, Point Atkinson became a park in an agreement for lease of those parts of D.L. 447 (1) in the District of New V/estminster containing an area of one hundred and eighty five acres, that are not required for lighthouse and foghorn purposes’^ dravm'between the District of North Vancouver and the King â€in consideration of the sum of $1.00 per year" and dated 1 May , 1910. Included among other conditions was the proviso that the land be used for the purposes of a "public park and popular resort and for no other purposes".^ After the division of the municipalities on the north shore and the incorporation of West Vancouver in 1912, an indenture was drawn between the Corporation of the District of North Vancouver and the Corporation of the District of V/est Vancouver, with the former assigning the lease of the park to West Vancouver, who in 1931 passed the V/est Vancouver Lighthouse Park Lease Bye-lav/ . In May of that year the lease, now betv/een West Vancouver and H.M. The King, represented by the Minister of Marine, was renewed for 1. V/est Vancouver Agreements 37 and 3^ - V/est Vancouver Municipal Hall, 1975. 2. V/est Vancouver - Bye Law 46I, 1931 -• proposed 25 February 1931, adopted 9 March, 1931.