Miss Gertrude Lawson - cont^d. "West Vancouver" which was capable of carrying some 32 passengers. One of the early shops in West Vancouver was West Vancouver Stores and Trading Company Limited in a three- storey building located at the southwest corner of Keith Road and Lawson Avenue, now known as Marine Drive and Street. Merchandise sold included contractors supplies of every description; stumping powder, dynamite, fuses and caps; paints and oils. It was also the location of the Post Office. Mr. Lawson's real estate office was located just a little further south on the same side of the street. Another early store was the butcher shop operated by Messrs. Goldsmith and Jeffrey. Just Prior to and after 1900 much of the logging done in the Hollyburn/Ambleside area was undertaken by McNair Logging. The men were quartered In bunkhouses up the hill above what became Street and the logs were hauled down to salt water by means of a donkey engine "Dudley". This ran on narrow guage rails to a spot near the foot of 16^^ Street. Here the logs were dumped into the water and formed up into log booms for towing to the mills in Vancouver Harbour and False Creek. On one occasion the "Dudley" slipped its brakes, reached the end of the wharf and tipped front-end into the water. Historical Societv Meetinos 2009- 2010 Board General 2009 November 12 ^ November 25 December 10 2010 January 7 February 11 February 17 March 11 April 8 May 13 May 26 June 10 Page Eight. Princioal Officers: Directors: President: Dave Barker Jim Carter Bill Bird Yvonne Bower 1®* Vice President: Ann Brousson Peter Strelaeff Jim Carter Joan Cox Past President: Pam Dalik Ian Macdonald Rod Day Susan Dirassar Recording Secretary: Elaine Graham Pamela Dalik Don Grant Ian Macdonald Treasurer: Peter Strelaeff Joan Cox (Acting only.) Tom Taylor Wendy Topham Project Volunteers: Joan Cox Bulletin Editor Ian Macdonald Peter Strelaeff New Historical Societv Members. Please welcome the following new members to the Society: Carolyn Nicholson and Patricia Treadwell. ______ Can you identify this beach in West Vancouver? Can you identify this photo? 0723.WVA.pho Send your replies to The Editor, 680-17^^ Street West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 3T2