DO YOU REMEMBER THIS WARTIME BROCHURE? This brochure was issued under direction of Hon.RJ. Manion, M.C., M.D., Director Civil Air Raid Precautions during World War II. If you know the approximate year please let the Editor know. BLACKOUT FOR YOUR HOAIE BLACKOUT IS perhrsps the most useful weapon of passive defence available to the whole civilian popu- lation Blackout IS a preventive measure and prevention IS always better than cure. Effective Blackout is not only an obstacle (o the enemy raider, it also assists the armed forces in dealing with the enemy and, in addi- tion, it afford-s a mcirked degree of protection to those who live or work in the blacked out areas. Efficient Blackout depends mamly on two things: a complete understanding of its purpose and how ;t may be accompli shed, and whole-hearted, public-spirifed co-operation on the pait of every individual in the community. This being the case, the purpose of this booklet is to give a working knowledge of the 'why" and '‘how" of Blackout lor homes. The details of the blackout prob- lem will vary with the size and type of homes, with the conditions in the particular community and with the proximity of the cornmuriify to the likely points of enemy action. For these reasons, all that can be done here is to outline the purposes of the Blackout, to indicate what must be accomplished, and to suggest some simple means of achieving the desired re.sul't.s. These sugges- tions, of course, will require adaptation to suit each particular ease. Direr;tor of Civil Air Raid Precautions THE VANCOUVCK SDH . 9t I \M Wartime COOK BOOK Page 9 Cont^d. next column. A R P BCXiKLET No. 2 HOUSEHOLD SCRIES BLACKOUT FOR YOUR HOME AaifaoTtfT Hoa I A MACKKNUC K C . M P. Mtcis«t«f of And NabcnaJ HaaIiIj ur>ri«T IX:«t-|)ON of Kdti. R, r MAKIOK. M C . MO, PirsriDf CWi) Air Tk«i4 Frvcoulfnn* OTTAWA, CAMADA 21 Double Duty Chicken Dinner S peund boiling Jovvl Small onion, mincc'd L t'uri rfcr 3 strips bacon t-loan and v.ash chuken, Idatte in pot and hall eovfr with vviepr. Simmr-r .'or .ihmit ruo hours. Rc^movr Irom liquid a no cool. .Add salt and pepper ro taste, to chicken broth, wim ihc iic«* and omon. .Simmer .sioi^ly lor an hour. When rhr chiikcii is quite cool srv.n uiih >mir lavoiitc dressin*;. trover brea.M with strip of bacon and brown in a moderate oven lor about art hour, Mif M. K. .Soslad, l.^a"> Bellevue A^e., Vancouver, Parsnip Souffle 2 cups mashed cold Salt and pepper to taste Parsnips (cooked) 2 eggs well beaten Butter size of a walnut id cup top milk Mix all ingredients well together. Put in a buttered Baking dish and bake about half an hour. This is a very Inexpensive vegetable dish and can be served with stew. Jackie Lee, of 2368 Bellevue Avenue, West Vancouver. ED. Note: The recipe for the parsnip souffle was too faint for printing or reading so was retyped to make it easier. The recipes may be worth trying sometime to see what the population had in the way of meals during the war.