Comm€nts from P€t€r Hall - cont^d. Memorial Library' published in 1990. It is interesting to note that the library was officially opened in November 1950, just over 5 months after ground-breaking! And note that the library's address on Marine Drive is 1950 - the year it was built! The top photo is problematic. You are looking for an approximate date for it. This was the first Marine Drive bridge over the Capilano River. It is known that it was officially opened on August 11, 1915. It is also known that the east approach (which this is) failed during a flood in December 1917. The two automobiles and the dress of the woman suggest that the picture was taken in the 1920's. Sorry I can't be more helpful on this one. I hope another reader will have the answer! Peter Hall nnnn SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 'CITY REFECTIONS' TO BE RE-SHOWN The blackout at our September meeting left a number of people unhappy with missing most of the DVD that was being shown. The 1907 film taken on the streets of Vancouver was very well attended. A second showing will occur following our November 26*h presentation by Frances Mansbridge on the new 'Hollyburn' book. It will start between 8:30 pm and 8:45 pm. I I I I it*' ii’ POINT ATKINSON LIGHT STATION If Stephen Mikicich, District Heritage Planner, is successful, a spotlight may soon shine on Point Atkinson's heritage needs. Stephen recently submitted a detailed application to B.C. Heritage Branch for a $10,000.00 grant. The grant will enable the District to hire a consultant to prepare a Conservation Feasibility Study to assess the current condition of the entire station, identify work required to repair and stabilize its buildings; provide cost estimates, and determine appropriate conservation approaches and actions. By now. West Vancouver Historical Society members are familiar with the urgent need for reparations to the Radio Room, as well as the Block House. Although individuals within and beyond this community offer to do Page 4 Cont'd. next column. POINT ATKINSON LIGHT STATION - cont'd. repairs or donate money, permission for site access from Dept of Fisheries & Oceans has yet to be granted. There is only so much water these buildings can take on before they wash away....let's hope Stephen's timely efforts rain down some Provincial dollars and sense! Elaine Graham Point Atkinson Tower looking sk)rward, dirty buttresses. Photo 024 courtesy of Elaine Graham I I I A. West Vancouver Museum Calendar The West Vancouver Museum will be closed from December 21, 2008 to January 5, 2009 and resume the regular open hours from January 6, 2009. Image: Gibbon, Alistair Bell, four colour woodcut, 1959. ed 22/35. Courtesy of Alan Bell. photo, 2008. Canadian master printmaker Alistair Bell produced some 300 prints over the span of 62 years. Impressions of Nature: The Prints of Alistair Bell examines the contemplative prints and drawings that Bell created in his home studio in Cont'd. page five.