Page 2 Officers President Vacant (Need One!) Corporate Members: r' VP Vacant (Need One!) Ancor Enteiprises Past President Ian Macdonald Inglewood Mining Corporation Past President Tom Taylor British Pacific Properties Ltd Past President Dave Bai'ker BC Rail Secretary Bonnie Kyle Dr. Bryan R. Hicks Inc. Treasurer Joan Cox Capilano Golf and Country Club Hon Ai'chivist Rupert Harrison Chapman Land Surveying Ltd Dave’s Autobody Shop Ltd Directors Faximum Software & Clai'endon Datex Ltd Ian Macdonald Pam Dalik Hollybum Funeral Home Ltd Pamela Friedrich Carole Howie Laura Millar Editorial and Arch. Services Jim Carter Don Grant North Shore Driving School Tom Taylor Joan Skipper The Palms Guest House Royal Canadian Legion Branch 60 Newsletter Team Simpson Home Hardware Publisher Tom Taylor Vancouver Historical Society Distribution Tom Taylor West Vancouver Board of School Tmstees Editor Tom Taylor Wetmore Motors Ltd It is Society Policy; That every effort be made to ensure that all articles are accurate, but the Society takes no responsibility for inaccuracies. The opinions expressed in contributions and presentations are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Society. That corrections, contrary opinions and contributions are welcomed. That excerpts from History-Onics must be attributed to the West Vancouver Historical Society and reproductions in whole or in part are not permitted without the express authorization of the Society. NOVEMBER GENERAL MEETING Will be held on November IT^ at 7:00 pm at the West Vancouver Seniors’ Centre. Our speaker then will be Mr. Ed Peck, whose recently-published book describes and celebrates the life and accomplishments of his father, Cy Peck, V.C., D.S.O. Born in New Brunswick, Cy Peck pioneered in northern B.C. where he established several businesses, including a large fish cannery. At the outbreak of the First World War he joined the army and went overseas to become one of Canada’s most celebrated and popular battalion commanders. Cy’s achievements while in service were exti'aordinary; • He served in the trenches for more than three years and led his men in ten major battles, although wounded twice. • He was elected to Pai'liament in 1917 while serving in the trenches. In the yeai‘ following he won the Victoria Cross and became the only man in Commonwealth history to have won the V.C. while an elected member of Parliament. Do join us (and bring a friend!) for this free talk on the life of one of Canada’s outstanding war heroes.