Page 5 West Vancouver Historical Society March 2004 CORPORATE MEMBERS We gratefully acknowledge the support of our Corporate Members, whose names appear here in order of joining. Chapman Land Surveying Ltd. The Palm Guest House The Capilano Golf & Country Club North Shore Driving School The West Vancouver Historical Society BC Rail Ltd. Wetmore Motors Ltd. Simpson Home Hardware West Vancouver Board of School Trustees Laura Miller Edit & Arch Services Hollyburn Funeral Home Ltd. Faximum Software Inc. Dave’s Autobody Shop Ltd. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 60 British Pacific Properties Ltd. Dr. Bryan R. Hicks Inc. Newsletter and Archives Contributions We send our thanks to members for sending along artifacts, information and photos. Volunteer Dot Sayers was in a few days ago to sort out the photos sent in by Jeanie (Allan) Moss. Yet to be sorted and classified is the treasure trove sent us by Malcolm Hicklenton. Included were a programme of the Club Quo Vadis’ Blackouts of 1950, held at the Odeon Theatre on May 15th and 16th of that year. Additionally: Capilano Creek, Discovery of Source, 1890, and a copy of Frank A. Clapp’s remarkable account of the West Vancouver Municipal Ferries. All of these items will keep Lois’ volunteers most happily occupied. THE CHESTNUT TREES ON SEVENTEENTH AND THE ROYAL JUBILEE Almost seventy years ago, to mark a visit here of Lord Baden Powell, local Scouts planted the chestnut trees on Seven- teenth between Marine Drive and Inglewood Avenue. It was 1935, a Jubilee Year (and the year of WVHS’s first annual). One of the boys involved in the celebretory planting was Bill Dickinson, son of William Dickinson, the longest serv- ing councillor and reeve in West Van history. The following short article lauds Bill and gives us a glimpse into a newsworthy item of the day: SCOUT NOTES 1st West Vancouver Troop,(St. Stephen’s) Patrol-leader Bill Dickinson of the Cougars has the honor of being the first member to attain his First Class badge and to receive his first All-Round Cords. These were presented to him at the last meeting along with the honor-pennant which his patrol has won for the two months’ period ending No- vember 30th. At 9 p.m. next Monday, December 9th [ 1935], there will be a meeting of the group, to elect a new committee for the ensuing season and to transact any business which may be on hand. All parents and others interested in the troop are asked to attend. In the years following this West Van News item Bill contin- ued his work with the scouts. Three years ago he received his 50-year certificate of service, which went on unbroken over the decades. His Medal of Merit and Silver Acorn were well deserved. He was a trainer for advanced scouting courses; he was Service Scouter for the 15th World Jambo- ree in July of 1983, and in the following month he was in charge of staffing for the provincial jamboree. Four years later, he again did this Job for the provincial jamboree. In all such events he forsook every day of his vacation time. Fi- nally, as a district commissioner, none would disagree that scouting could not have had a more exemplary leader than William James “Bill†Dickinson. THIS CAN’T HELP BUT HELP AMBLESIDE At a recent meeting of the West Vancouver Historical Soci- ety Board of Directors it was decided to apply for a grant from West Vancouver’s Community Arts Granting body. The hope is to place interpretive signs along the Seawalk from Dundarave to Ambleside. Possible areas would include Navvy Jack House, the Ferry Building Gallery and the Dundarave pier. While the Society has put in the applica- tion, the person to thank for the “legwork†is Darrin Mar- tens, Curator, who has done yeoman work. He has done ex- tensive research into such projects that have been under- taken elsewhere, which means that we’ll get the very best value for money spent. Darrin reminds us that the current grant application marks only the first phase of the project. Several years from now the “Walk†will seem transformed. A.Y.P.A. Annual Spring FLANNEL DANCE Friday, April 19th, at the Orange Hall Chic Qualley and Dancing 9 to 1 His Rhythm Makers Refreshments Tickets, 500