APOLOGIES! When I should have been putting the fall quiz answers into the body of the newsletter I was instead on Salt Spring Island dealing with the aftermath of a nasty storm. Here are the answers: 1925: B; 1926: E; 1927: J; 1928: A; 1929: G; 1930: K; 1931: V 1932: Q; 1933: N; 1934: P; 1935: D; 1936: Y; 1937: I; 1938: S; 1939:’ C; 1940 L; 1941: R; 1942: T; 1943: O; 1944: Z; 1945: W; 1946: U; 1947: F; 1948- X 1949: M; 1950: H. There were two perfect scores: Mac Minions and Ian Bruce Kelsey. IBK hand- delivered his to the Lawson House just several hours after the newsletter appeared i n his letter-box. Congratulations to you both! Norma (Minions) Hamilton, ex-May Queen and star of the 1941 graduating class, scored 22/26; Andy and James Reid of Victoria & Parksville respectively scored 22/26, and Jack Cruickshank had a near-perfect score. Tom Taylor