May 2002 West Vancouver Historical Society Page 5 WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEXT GENERAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22nd, 2002 at 7:00 pm At the Seniors' Activity Centre, 695- 21st Street, West Vancouver Speaker - Margaret Ramsay Topic - TRACING LIONS HERITAGE Please remember that THIS IS OUR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING do come and join us on WEDNESDAY, MAY 22nd , 2002 + + + + + + + COMMUNITY DAY - 1st JUNE , 2002 + -I- + -I- + -I- -r YOUR LETTERS Thanks lo Margaret Sawyer who wrote to Joan Skipper - "... I pore over every word when I receive the Society News but was amazed how few of Tom Taylor's Quiz I could answer! Most of of the names are still very familiar lo me. . in fact 1 have newspaper clippings in my very ancient scrapbook about R. Trimbrell & Robin Martin, etc. That book is a bit of a mess, however, if & when I am satisfied with it I plan to pass it on to you before my kids throw it away. While my old friend Jeannie* is gathering photos about Dundarave School I really should make an effort to collect a few of my meagre photos . . including a couple of her!" *Jeanrde (Allan) Moss, wrote to our March 2002 issue, that she is soiling through her photographs to find some which we can publish in our September issue of "History-Onics" . Thank you, Margaret, for your letter - we look forward to hearing from you again and seeing your photographs. YOUR LETTERS (Contd.) And the following letter from Mrs. A. F. (Doris) Huggins in Penticton: "Hello, Anne, Thank you for the reminder of dues. Enclosed herewith for Bert. (I have a lifetime membership, I believe.)* We do enjoy the Newsletter, especially letters and articles reminding us of the 20's and 30's. Bert arrived in West Van (Dundarave) in 1924 and had all his schooling there. I came with Father and Mother and Brother, Eric Lashbrook, in '29 living at 1235 Duchess until after marriage to Bert in '45. After Grade 8 at Hollyburn (the last grade 8 there, as grades 6 and 7 went on to Inglewood that year), we spent four years at Inglewood in the Commercial class under Mrs. Reid, her last year, I believe, as Mr. Kirk joined the staff teaching Commercial in the school year 1936 - 7. I always give Mrs. Reid credit for giving me a good grounding in Typing, Book Keeping and Short- hand. One happy memory is of a trip to Powell River with basketball coach J. R, Mitchell. Don't remem- ber how tile games turned out but it was an exciting time. We left our home at 1305 Sinclair in 1970 lo retire to the Okanagan where we have led a very happy busy life now singing and working with the Penticton June-agers, a group of some 70.......over 55’s (to 94!) orchestra and chorus singers who prove that older persons can contribute to the comunity and elsewhere The June-agers have toured in the group’s 32 years each year - from Vancouver Island, (several times), B.C., Hawaii twice, England and Eastern Canada. Unfortunately Bert and I didn't join in time to go to England or Hawaii! Our thanks to the Historical Society for reminding us of our many happy years in West Van.’ * Doris is indeed a life member. Thank you so much for your letter, Doris. Your memories are whal our history is all about. If any old friends wish to get in touch with Doris and Bert, the Society will forward on any letters to them. Please see page 3 for an article from Bob Tapp about #2 Company, Pacific Coast Militia Rangers.