History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Mar 2002, p. 7

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March 2002 West Vancouver Historical Society Page 7 TOM TAYLOR'S QUIZ - THE RESULTS Tom u'flA’ delighled w ith your response to his Quiz arid hopes you all had a lot of fun remembering bygone years. Their a tie for first place: with near perfect scores were Mack H.Minions and James M. Reid, who have their 2003 memberships paid in full. Congratulations to Norma (Minions) Hamilton, and Andy Reid, who were close. The answers are below in heavy print. Enjoy! Question 1. Who was West Van's sanitary inspector for many years? Alexander Gracey, West Van’s sanitary inspector for many years, finished his career on September 1, 1943. 2. Who retired from tlie RCN in 1935 with rear-Admiral rank? West Van's first hero of World War II Mas Robert Timbrell. At the beginning of the Mar Bob Mas a midshipman; at its end he Mas a rear-admiral. In 1940 King George VI aM-arded him the DSC, a medal M’hich M'ent doM’ii Mith his ship HMCS Margaree M’hen it Mas sunk in the Atlantic. Bob's tMo brothers also served: Dick in the RCAF and Tom in the Irish Fusiliers. 3. What "ultra modern (grocery) store opened in 1937 on Marine Drive? The "ultra modern" grocery store, Mhich opened April 30th, 1937 at 1397 Marine Drive, Mas SafeM-ay - later the address of Gibson's Furniture (tMo doors west of the Highlands Cafe). 4. Wlio ran an upholstery business and kindergarten at 15th & Marine in the '40's? Miss M.E. Jacks ran an upholstery store and a kindergarten (the Chester House Play School) at that address during the Mar. She and her charges usually appeared in the annual May Day parade. 5. ^\^^at business was opposite the "Rexall Store" in the 1400 block Marine Drive? Anothere drug store opened at 1403 Marine Drive. It Mas named the Ambleside Pharmacy. 6. Who had Kew House built in 1937 for a cost of about $50,000? The house Mas built by A.J.T. Taylor mIio, together M’ith Reeve Joe Leyland, Mere the driving forces in the building of the Lions Gate Bridge. 7. WHiat did WVHS graduates Ross Minions (1939), Douglas Clark (1940) and Robin Martin(1941) have in common? Ross Minions, Douglas Clark and Robin Martin were all student council presidents at WVHS - in 1939,1940 and 1941 respectively. 8. What was Dundarave Hall called originally? Co'nservative Hall - built in 1912 by the Conservative Association through pulbic subscription. 9. Wliat was the name of husband and wife team, both druggists, who ran "the store of service" in the 1400 block of Marine Drive in the '30"s 40's? In 1920 Mr. Gemmill opened West Van's first drug store on the soutliMest corner of 14th Street and Bellevue Avenue. Mrs. Gemmill Mas more than just an "able assistant",(as the local Ipaper of the day described her.) When she became licensed at the major pharmacyexaminations in 1925 she topped her class. It is believed that she Mas the first and only woman to qualify as a druggist after her marriage. When I spoke M’ith James Reid he pinpointed the location of the 1920 store! 10. Wlio served as West Van councillor for 13 years, school trustee for 2 years and was later appointed West Vancouver assessor? Robert J. Fiddes was at times a municipal councillor, school trustee and assessor. His son John, a 1934 WVHS graduate (age 16), was killed on April 24, 1945. Mr Fiddes died 2 months later. Few families dedicated themselves as much to public duty as did the Fiddes family. 11. Who was the principal w'hen, in 1933, both West Van junior and senior schools were put under his direction? In 1933 James Reid Mitchell consolidated the junior and senior high schools. A 26-year-old Jimmy Mitchell first came to West Van High in 1927 to teach science. The son of Prince Rupert pioneers, he first taught (3 years) at Granby High School in Anyox. In West Vancouver, in school and out, he became an institution. 12. Where did tlie West Van Boys Band have their camp each year? The West Vancouver Boys' Band had their annual camp at Keats Island. The band was first organized in the fall of 1931 under the direction of the West Van School Board. It was in that year - perhaps the next - that tlie first of many Keats Island band camps got underway. 13. What did the following West Vanners have in common? G.J. Newman; F.V. Guinan: T.A.Spencer: W.M. Tliompson: R..B. Cripps: F.R Colpitts. The NeM'mans, Guinans, Spencers, Thompsons, Cripps, and Colpitts were all true "West Van ancients" inasmuch as they arrived in the community before its 1912 incorporation. (Ed. Note: As you can see Tom has so much to tell us that we ran out of space on this page. Please turn to page 5 for the remaining questions and answers. If you have any more information on these facts please write to us. We do want to receive more of "Your Letters").