» Telephone Pacific 4845 J. A. MORRIS CURATOR 'A /trott r/’ /' * C// X/T/;/ //VSj //' ;/ -0<JS>/'</<<r r //>’**/ 'AJ U. March 22, 1951 Mrs. A. S. Gentles, Caulfsild, B. C. Dear Mrs. Gentles: Further to our telephone conversation today I have now discussed the matter with Mr. Ingledow and he feels that before the matter can be properly presented to the Council that, wt shouLd have a statement from you in writing. I would, therefore, be very grateful if you would drop me a line expressing your willingness that the Gallery Council present the Stone Memorial window either to a Navy chapel or to the War Memorial LiDrary, West Vancouver, I am sorry to give you this trouble. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, 6> JAM/mw "Curator