June 2001 West Vancouver Historical Society Page 7 GOING BACK IN TIME Tom Taylor very kindly sent the following items from his archives which r^er to the subject covered by the Februasry general speakers. At the February 28th, 2001 general meeting of the W.V.H.S. John Moonen, chairman of Citizens Against Ferry Terminal Expansion, spoke eloquently about the irreversible harm that was about to be visited on Horseshoe Bay by the BC Ferry Corporation. Half a century ago West Vancouver councils were Just as vigilant about possible harm to the Bay as they are now. By contrast, the problems then were miniscule. Nov. 28, 1944 from "The Vancouver Daily Province" "West Vancouver Will Oppose New Services" The West Vancouver Council will oppose any move by transportation companies to operate a new passenger service from Horseshoe Bay to Howe Sound points. Meeting Monday night, councillors protested against issuing a license to the Howe Sound Transport Company, and appointed Reeve Patrick \V. Field and Councillor Ed Paulson a special committee to carry a similar proposal to the Public Utilities Commission in Vancouver December 18 when the commission will study the application of North Shore Navigation Company and Union Steamships for landing facilities at the summer resort. Councillor Jack Richardson said the municipality had no authority to prevent the companies from using the government-owned wharf at Fisherman's Cove but the council had no intention of making Horseshoe Bay a jumping-off point fw people to the detrimrait of local citizais." (West Van News) :|t:|e4E:|(4E3|c:|c:|c4; It was only four months earlier - June 24, 1944 - that West Van ratepayers endorsed the purchase by the municipality of the Rodgers' Resort at Horseshoe Bay, including 850 feet of foreshore, hotel, other buildings, 33 boats and wharves, for $43,500. The Council was not going to countenance any changes that would affect this wonderful new addition to West Van's parks. (Howard Rodgers, incidentally, had been in the boat and amusement business in Horseshoe Bay from 1914.) At the February 28th, 2GGi general me eting of the W.V.H.S., the evening's first speaker was Dan Sewell. He noted that the Rodgers property was bought by the municipality for the above-noted sum. Tom Taylor later remarked to Dan that he thought the purchase price to be $34,500, a figure he had earlier found in the West Van News of the day. Captain Lovegrove's facts were wrong: the "Province’s" were right, as, of course were Dan's. Did anything come of this proposal? Nov. 7,1940 Auto Ferry at Horseshoe Bay Opening of "One of the most attractive tourist areas in western Canada" by establishment of a ferry service from Horseshoe Bay to Hoj^dns Landing was urged in the L^islatuie Wednesday by Manfred McGeer, newly-elected member for Mackenzie. Mr McGeer made his maiden speech in the House by seconding the address-in-reply to the speech from the throne." (West Van News). ♦ ♦ ♦ Or this? "June 10,1943 Ferries to Horseshoe Bay With the idea of relieving pressure on bus travel, the Council are considering nmning a limited number of ferry trips on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays between the city and Horseshoe Bay. A boat, probably the No. Six, would, according to present tentative ideas, leave the city at 12:00 p.m., and return from Horseshoe Bay, leaving there at 8:00 p.m. On Sundays she would leave the city at 11:15 a.m. and Horseshoe Bay at 8:00 p.m. The new service would start on 26th inst., while there is a possibility, beginning June 25th or July 2nd, of the Hollybum (added to the fleet in 1936) making cruises in English Bay or Howe Sound to last two and a half hours. It is not the present intention that the boats call at Ambleside en route." (West Van News). Photos: West Vancuver Archives Ferryboat No.6 Horseshoe Bay Government Wharf, circa 1920's