June 2001 West Vancouver Historical Society Page 5 COMING EVENTS YOUR LETTERS THE WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2001 at 7:00 pm At the Seniors’ Activity Centre, 695- 21st Street, West Vancouver PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND Note the upcoming celebrations which are being organised by the North Shore Heritage Committee: Heritage Weekend will take place the third weekend in September. Check with the West Vancouver Memorial Library and the Senior's Activity Centre for details of all the special events. Heritage Week will take place during the third week of February 2002. A long way ahead? Maybe, but it will come sooner than you think! Old Friends On Saturday, April 12th, the Historical Society (and, indeed. West Vancouver) lost one of its most dedicated volunteers, Trixie Snelgrove. Several years ago Trixie called the Mail-Out Team to say she could no longer climb the stairs to the newsletter collating/folding area: her knees had simply "given out". (She made no mention that she was in her late eighties). However, she was determined to do whatever she could at home. For well over a year, she stamped the several hundred envelopes that went out to our members every second month. There was never a delay, or an error, yet the job was done with remarkable speed. We’ll miss Trixie - her good nature, her enthusiasm and unfailing interest, both in the Society and the community. She was truly one for whom giving was more important than taking. Many of you share memories with Joan Skipper when you renew your membership dues. Here below are some of those. Thank you all for your continuing interest in the Society and its interests. From E.P. "Had my 95th birthday on Apr 9!! I remember the W. Van flood of '49 - the Bailey bridge and all. Also the W.Vanc ferry from Dunderave pier - the only one left for boat landing. I was the only career woman there at 7 A.M. with several men and didn't appreciate their courtesy "Ladies first" to jump from the wharf to the ship when it came up level with the wharf. There was John Baldwin from Sentinel Hill and my brother Ed Paulson and other conunuters. Ed kept telling me to jump -1 was making everyone late! " From Terry Lodge "My ties with WV go back to the early 20’s when my grandparents bought property at 2460 Nelson. My brother and I attended Pauline Johnson School and the High School. We have always wondered who had the bright idea to name the original streets alphabetically? and when was this done? When was the Municipality established? Bruce Ramsay's book doesn't mention the alphabetical streets. (I have asked this question before)." (Ed Note: Peter Hall is working on how and why the street^; were named as they are, Terry, and would welcome any pertinent information which anyone may have. Can anyone help him?) Photo: Tom Taylor Tom & Trixie - "EnvelopesDone"