Page 8 West Vancouver Historical Society APRIL 2001 museum & ARCHIVES CORNER Susan Sirovyak and Andrew Mildred are heavily involved with the enormously successful school HPI programmes run by the West Vancouver Museum. Darrin Martens gets involved too - see his photograph below. Together with Deborah Tuyttens, the Curator, they are all very busy just now preparing for the new exhibition which is due to open on April 10th. It is called "Point Atkinson Lighthouse". Museum&ArcIwes As everyone at the Museum has no spare time to write for us just now, here, by special agreement with the West Van Museum, are some details from their recent newsletter. You will surely be delighted to know the forthcoming generation has had its interest captured by these "fun" lessons. Among the many roadshow programmes which have been produced for, and presented to, West Van schools, one which caught our interest was "A Fine Place to Uve: Early Days of West Vancouver". This is a giant board game with gaily painted playing pieces. By using them the children discover what it was like when Marine Drive was not much more than a muddy trail through the trees and inkwells sat on every students' desk. They also encounter several "calamities" GIRL GUIDES The Archives Committee of Lions Area Girl Guides is compiling a history, to celebrate 80 years of Guiding on the North Shore. If you were in Guiding, as a girl or as a leader, and would like to share your reminiscences with us, please contact - Daphne Hales at 926-2805 Daphne would love to hear facts, names, stories and adventures! Please help them. If you have photos or souvenirs to share, so much the better! If you know of others who were in Guiding, please let Daphne know. Ed. Note: I know many of our members have been Guiders and Leaders in the past, so do please contact Daphne and make your contribution. It will certainly help to conserve an important part of our West Vancouver history. and "opportunities" and learn about West Vancouver pioneers and residents of past decades. In "the Museum in a Suitcase" part of the programme, students open old suitcases and discover artifacts and photographs of days gone by. In the "Having Fun in West Vancouver" suitcase students can discover a 1920's trophy from the Dundarave Regatta, a pair of hiking boots worn by Lucy Smith on some of her North Shore hikes, a 1930's crampon and a I950's photograph of Dot Sayers (one of the programme's volunteers) on skis. At first the artifacts seem strange, (when did a student last use ink?) but soon their purpose is revealed as they hear tape recordings mde by Tom Taylor, Lucy Smith and Dot Sayers, explaining the various items and tlieir uses. The sharing of knowledge and the experiences of growing up in the West Vancouver of a few yesterdays ago is surely one of the most valuable gifts we can give to our youngsters. Photo: D. Martens Photo: Courtesy Girt Guide Archives Girls go to Camp in 1928. Back Row, from left: Mabel Philips, unknown face, Audrey Lester, Josie Layland, hat with no face, Peggy Savory (the tall one), unknown. Front Row from left: Kathleen Hodgson, Mary Edington, Mary Bradshaw, unknown, Eleanor Eager (?)