Septsmber2000 West Vancouver Historical Society Page 3 "DUNDARAVE" HOW DO MLPRONOUNCE THE NAME OF THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD? By: Peter Hall Frances and Peter Hall were recently visiting Scotland, when they came across a ruin with a very familiar name. Peter, of course, made contact with the custodian and enquired about the history of the place - hence the following article. There will be more when you send him your comments and questions.! As many of our readers probably know, West Vancouver really started off as a community of distinct neighbourhoods, with the early landowners choosing names for them - often drawing on their ancestral homes for inspiration. Over the years many of these neighbourhoods have maintained their identity and distinctiveness - witness Ambleside, Weston, Dundarave, Altamont, Sherman, Caulfeild, Gleneagles, etc. Now there is no confusion over the pronunciation of all of these, save one. After all, have you ever heard more than one way of saying "Caulfeild" or "Ambleside"? But Dundarave is another matter. We regularly hear two pronunciations, with the difference coming in the last syllable. Some say Dundarave to rhyme with 'rave' or 'save', others have it rhyme with 'have'. And some even use both! But which is correct? Or is there such a thing as a right or a wrong way? We want to hear from you on this question. How do ysai say Dundarave and why do you say it that way? Call our answering machine at 925-7299, drop us a line at the Historical Society office at Gertrude Lawson House, or send an E-mail to We will report the results in the November issue of History-Onics when we will have more to tell you about Dundarave - or should it be Dundarave? DUNDARAV The Seawall Sign PHOTO: Peter Hall The future of the Arts in West Vancouver (Contd. from page 3) artists actually at work; and finally the Museum & Archives which, in its comparatively short life, has earned an enviable reputation for its excellent exhibits and education programmes. So - what does Oksana see as her role in the future of implementing our West Vancouver Cultural Services Operational Plan? The main thrust will be to work in partnership with the staff at the Ferry Building, the Silk Purse and the Museum & Archives; the Heritage Commission; our own Historical Society and other groups involved in the cultural and heritage scene. To create and strengthen other forces in the community - to form partrnerships with both public and private donors and, of course, to maintain and deepen the driving forces of the various volunteer efforts of so many native and in-coming West Vancouverites who are so committed to preserving and cherishing our past. Not a bad record and surely the promise of a good future for West Vancouver's Museum, musicians and artists. No doubt Oksana will up-date us in the future.