June 2000 West Vancouver Historical Society Page 3 MEET SOME SPECIAL LADIES By: Amte Vemon ElderCollege at Capilano College, an organisation run solely by volunteer members, has been in the business of supplying classes on a wide variety of subjects to the "over 55's" for nearly ten years. The organisation gives opportunity to those who enjoy the stimulation of education without examination to widen their horizons. Many Society members are also members of ElderCoUege but your Editor was the only member present at the class of May 5th, 2000, when we had the pleasure of meeting and listening to four special guests. You may know some of them, but perhaps not as public speakers! Canadian-bom Ruth Avrin, now living in West Vancouver, during her professional career in New York, specialised in looking after "older" people. Ruth recently presented an ElderCollege course called "Adventures in Aging" in which she covered many aspects of the joys and problems, of growing old. The final class on May 5th was a special treat for her students as Ruth had arranged for four special ladies to visit and share some details of their lives with us. So when the class assembled we saw four vibrant, beautifully dressed ladies, sitting at a long table scrutinising us closely before the proceedings began. Ruth, as moderator, got things off to a good start and a fascinating two hours ensued. You may have guessed by this time that the ladies were somewhat elderly, but that was of no real account - either to them or to us. ____’’they loved life and lived it very fullyâ€.... Coming from various "ethnic" backgrounds - Irish, Icelandic, Scots and English - they nevertheless had one quality in common - they loved life and lived it very fully, both in the past and present. All had overcome difficlties and heartbreaks during their lives, but a shared sense of joy in living seemed to link them together. The ladies were mostly from country backgrounds - only one had been brought up in a large town - and, although they must all have lived through the difficult 30's, that was never mentioned - it was only another aspect of life which had to be tackled and overcome. Rebecca had lost three young brothers during the first World War - which, although fairly common in those dark days, still wrings the heart in retrospect. They are reasonably careful of their diets, but fall prey to delicious desserts sometimes! They all like good company, going out to visit, watch their health, do crosswords and jigsaw puzzles, watch TV, listen to music and read or enjoy being read to. Interestingly, none had ever smoked and some had severe childhood illnesses, but now share reasonably good health. One of the four still appears in films and TV and enjoys doing so, although she warns that the make-up people will insist on transforming her into a "little old lady" - nothing could be further from her mind! Families play a large part in the lives of all these ladies, with children and grandchildren keeping in touch and, although three of them live in retirement homes, they are all adamant that they still look after themselves in their own rooms. The fourth lives in her own apartment, with her daughter close by. Do you recognise any of them yet? It just remains to tell you their names, and - oh yes - their ages! I will start with the youngest - Trudy Thomas will be 99 in August - she is very active on two committees which help run Inglewood Lodge; Caroline Woodside is our actress who is having a running battle with Revenue Canada! - she is 100; then there is Eileen Slater, who single-handedly brought up four young grandchildren when her daughter was widowed early in life - she is 100; last, but certainly not least, is Rebecca Einarson, who lives in Pemberton Care Home and loves to sit in the garden "for the good of my soul" - she is 103. They welcome each day with delight and give thanks every night for the priviledge of living in this beautiful and wonderful world Thank you for coming to see us ladies, you inspire all who come into contact with you. ElderCollege - May 5, 2000 Photo: Lauren MulhoUarul Rebecca Einarson and Ruth Avrin at the ElderCollege class of 5th May, 2000.