HISTORY-0NICSL, THEJJEWSLE^^ WEST VANCOUVER IN THE YEAR 2&0@-' WHAT SHOULD WE HOPE FOR? COME AND FIND Our guest speaker at the AGM will be the District of West Vancouver's new Muunicipal Manager, David Stuart. He will^Sfj. followed by Elspeth Bradbury, Landscape Architect and a member of the Heritage Advisory Commission in West Vancouver. Mr David Stuart, newly appointed Municipal Manager for West Vancouver, has been in local government for over 20 years with three different municipalities in the lower mainland. As Deputy Municipal Manager of the District of North Vancouver since 1997, and Director of Corporate Services since 1992, he is familiar with the challenges facing local government on the North Shore. During his time with our sister municipality in North Vancouver, Mr Stuart has been involved in implementing significant changes to policies, structure and approaches to service delivery in response to issues which were identified by a 1992 Council initiated review. As Mr Stuart points out, these issues are similar to those raised in a recent independent review of West Vancouver, which reported the need for structural change, policy development, human resources development, new public consultation and communications strategies, corporate planning, improved budgeting processes, financial management, improved council/staff relations and technological change. David Stuart brings with him an understanding of how important community involvement is to effective local government. He will be speaking on some of the trends and changes which we can expect to see in West Vancouver in the next few years. Do come along to the AGM and bring your questions with you. Elspeth Bradbury is a landscape architect who has her own practice specializing in garden design. She has written many magazine articles and several books , the most recent of which, "The Garden Letters†and "The Real Garden Road Trip", were co-authored with a friend from the Maritimes. Elspeth, no stranger to Society members, will bring us up-to-date on the present heritage landscape scene in West Van and what the Heritage Advisory Commission is doing now. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the West Vancouver Historical Society will be held on Wednesday April 26th 2000, at 7:00 pm in the West Vancouver Seniors'Activity Centre, 685-21st Street. Among the items of business is the election of directors for the ensuing year. As usual, the Nomination Committee will present a list of members for consideration. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor PROVIDED THE NOMINEE: (a) is present (b) accepts the nomination (c) is a paid up member of the Society and (d) there is a mover and seconder 4c:(c:ic4e4c:ic:fciic:|c The Editor would like to express her sincere thanks to our retiring President Helen Davies for all the advice, support and long hours of hard work which she has given, and without which your "His-tory-Onics" team would not have survived! What's Inside: President's Report........................2 ' Memories from Margaret Sawyer..........3 West Van Heritage Awards..................4 Annual General Report for 1999............6 How the Newsletter is Created.............7 Travellers' Tales........................ 8