-ONICS VOL. 17 NO. 5 NOVEMBER 1999 ETTER OF THE WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY TT^ ..^"'^"'’BELCARRA - A SPECIAL VILLAGE CELEBRATING THE 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF A "NEW" COMMUNITY Four years ago, following a Council meeting, three citizens of Belcarra tossed around the idea of writing a book about their village. The idea bloomed, a fourth writer joined them and, after a great deal of hard work, they produced a book -"Between forest & sea: Memories of Belcarra," by Colleen MacDonald, Diana Drake, John Doerkksen and Mike Cotton. Belcarra. You probably recognise the name, but what do you know about the place? Does it mean anything more to you than a name on a map of the Greater Vancouver area? To find out more about this lively community why not come to our November meeting when Heritage Award winner Mike Cotton, who is to be our speaker for the evening, will share his extensive knowledge of the area with us. The original "get together" after that Council meeting exploded with energy and enthusiasm. The group were all "interested in writing", had lived in the Village for an average of a dozen years, and really cared about preserving the history of the local area. With the year 2,000 approaching what could be a better way to celebrate the coming of a new millennium than to thoroughly research as much local history as they could, in order to produce a book. Without any knowledge of the book business - producing or selling - they set their minds to the task. That they succeeded is without question, their sales have been enough for them to pay off their production costs and the book must surely stand as a marvellous millennium gift to the Village. Dojoinus on NovembCT 24th to learn all about the personal challenges which were overcome to {xesent this gift to the Village. NEXT GENERAL MEETING Will be held on Wednesday November 24th, 1999, at 7:00 pm in the Activity Room of the West Vancouver Seniors' Centre, 695-21 st Street (parking off Fulton Avenue, between 21st and 22nd Streets) All Visitors are Welcome Members are cordially invited to the WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETYl Christmas Party! at ’SPURAWAY GARDENS’ 235 Keith Road, West Vancouver on Thursday, December 9th, 1999 at 7:30 PM Admission: Munchies or Goodies No RSVP Required BRING A NON-PERISHABLE FOR THE FOOD BANK What's Inside: Executive Report - Lions Gate Bridge ... 2 The Fine Art of Remembering.........3 Your Letters........................5 Mary Chapman - Sharing Memories....7 The Museum Page.....................8