Page 4 WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY September 1996 SOCIETY NEWS â€" Current Affairs and News of General Interest to Members EDITORIAL COMMENT Thank You â€" Jim MacCarthy! We have taken advantage of this space on occasion to extend our thanks to many in our organization for help or assistance. But no one comes to mind as more deserving than Jim MacCarthy, our Program Director. Please accept our belated thanks Jim, for a difficult job, well done. Please excuse our tardy recognition. The West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce named Jim 1987Citizen of the Year following his energetic chairmanship of West Vancouver’s 75th Anniversary celebrations. In 1988 Jim MacCarthy joined our Society. He became active on committees inunediately, chairing Publicity, and became a director in 1989. History-onics first mentions Tun, introducing Dr Ted Hill speaking about Frank Ellis, in September of 1991. He has been arranging and introducing Guest Speakers, five a year, ever since. Our sincere thanks Jim, from us all, for your dedicated efforts. SPECIAL EVENTS ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY DAY - JUNE 1,1996 Our Display was for the first time in the Visual Arts room at the Senior Activity Centre, which proved a perfect spot. We were able to set up more panels than usual, and made use of the east wall to show Charles Baker’s paintings of the West Van Ferries and other water-front scenes. We had very good turn-out and were pleased with the number of interested visitors. The Parade entry was Byron Briton’s 1911 Overland, (this time with the top down) with Josie and Byron decked out in their old fashioned costumes. Sitting behind them were President Ian Macdonald and Connie Townsend, holding our new banner, which was very impressive. TOUR OF BRITANNIA MINES - JULY 5,1996 As you can see by the picture, we had a good turnout., and by the smiling faces, that we had a good time! We were greeted by Jonathan, our tour guide, who took us step by step; first through the Information Centre where we were treated to a video presentation of **Britannia, the Story of a B.C, Mine, 1888 to 1974*\ then through the Gift Sh(^ which is a treasure-trove of interesting items. Next, up and down the three levels of the Museum, to view the extraordinary displays .... all very interesting and so much to absorb in one short visit! We then headed for the trip into the Mine.we were fitted with hard hats (they are not only hard - they are HEAVY!) We boarded the trolleys and suddenly were out of the sunlight, into the darkness of the mine tuimels. Here Jonathan entertained us with the deafening sounds of the various drills, blasters and rock-stabilizers; demonstrating the old and new methods and equipment. Membership Report By: Joan Skipper What are Members^ Interests? Many of our members are returning after the summer to interesting Society projects. There are however, many members whose interests are a mystery. We would like to know you better. We would like to know what your interests are? Have you historical interests or activities that you would like to share? Would you like to take a more active role in our Society? Drop me a line if you would like to become involved or have suggestions or comments regarding Society projects. I would like to introduce the members joining since our last list was published in June. J. Holland Bume Thora Dakin Valerie Thomas Mary Bowman Thomas Marshall Joyce Turner Ron Bowman Russell Shepherd J. SKIPPER WVHS Tour Group - Britannia Beach, Juiy 5,1996 Leaving the mine, we returned our hard hats and some of us headed for the Gold Recovery area, where, pan in hand, we sifted sand and actually found pieces of gold! We just had to look around the Industrial Yard to see the variety of mine machinery and equipment that was operating during the *20s and ‘30s when Britannia Mines was at its peak. We were allowed to enter the front area of the Old Mill, even though the building is condemned, as it is in very poor condition. However, the old building is “paying its wayâ€, being the site of some television and movie {Hoductions. Before leaving, we all got together for the picture and agreed that it was a Good Tour. Special thanks to Jonathan for his guidance. Our Carpool was very one was without a ride (no need for a bus). Many thanks to the drivers, and also many thanks to all the day trippers for an enjoyable day! Laureen Jones - Director, Special Events