West Vancouver Museum & Archives STAFF CHANGES AT THE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES As many of you already know, Jacquie Gijssen, our curator has moved on to the Alberni Valley Museum in Port Alberni...an opportunity she couldn’t refuse. We will all miss Jacquie’s passion, drive, and professional touch in the Museum and wish her the very best in her new endeavor. As we continue to move forward with excellent community involvement and support, and the many dynamic, challenging projects that have been developed in partnership with the community, many of you may be wondering what will happen in her absence. We have posted the position and expect to have applications in by the end of the month and someone in place mid August or September I st at the latest. In the interim the staff team at the Museum & Archives Deborah Tuyttens, Museum Assistant, Susan Sirovyak Collections Coordinator and David Wardle, Community Records Archivist, will be working together to coordinate the operation and the many exciting projects and initiatives in the works. Deborah Tuyttens will be working full time and can be reached at 925-7295. Please also feel free to contact me at 925-7127 if I can be of any assistance with your questions or concerns or if you’d like to share any comments. Josie Chuback Recreation Manager MUSEUM& ARCHIVES RECEIVE TWO SUMMER STUDENTS! Through the assistance of the Historical Society and a grant by the Summer Career Placement Program, two new faces will be in the building June 16 through August 31. Carol Davidson is the Gallery Guide/Gift Shop Assistant and Scott Fraser is the PR /Special Events Assistant. Please welcome them to the Museum & Archives and introduce yourselves when you get the chance. A NOTE FROM JACQUIE OUT OF PORT ALBERNI By the time you read this I will be involved in a whole new museum: collections, exhibitions, programmes, and community, not to mention a new home and town. It was with mixed emotions that I recently accepted the offer to become the Curator of Collections at the Alberni Valley Museum. For going on five years I have worked with the West Vancouver community to realize their dreams of a museum and archives and heritage services for their community. With the unending support and encouragement of the West Vancouver Historical Society, volunteers and staff, wonderful achievements have been madeâ€"none the least of whichâ€"the official opening of the facility on July I, 1994. I was privileged to hold the position of Curator and work with West Vancouverites in this journey. It has been a challenging and Immensely rewarding experience both personally and professionally. Many of those came from working with the staff and volunteers, the community, and the members and executive of the Historical Society. West Van’s Museum & Archives is lucky to have such a committed, enthusiastic, and supportive group of people aiding in its development and delivery of services. I am very excited about my new role and home In the beautiful Alberni Valley; however nothing will ever replace my West Van experience. I wish you ail the very best in your future endeavors and hope that you will stop and visit if you are ever en-route to, or through. Port Alberni. Jacqueline Gijssen The West Vancouver Museum & Archives are operated by the District of West Vancouver Parks & Recreation Department. The support of Canadian Heritage - Multi-cuhuralism; Human Resources Developmerrt Canada; North Shore Arts Commission: District of North Vancouver. City of North Vancouver. District of West Vancouver; British Columbia Arts Council - Province of BC; West Vancouver Historical Society; West Vancouver Foundation and West Vancouver Museum & Archives Volunteers and Visitors is gratefully acknowledged.