PmgmS WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY November 1995 ARCH IVES CORNER By Anne Maclean, G>mmunity Records Archivist Volunieere tor Oral History Project You may remember last month’s column where I talked about the Oral History Project, which I am developing with Deborah IViyttens, Museum Assistant We now hope to foim an Oral History Steering Committee which would oiganize volunteer recruitment and training, set goals and interview schedules, identify priorities, and coordinate booking of tape recorders aiKl other necessary eqquipment We look forward to meeting again with our project team and anyone else who is interested in conducting interviews and transcribing tapes. We already have in the archives about a dozen tapes which have not yet been transcribed. We want to make these tapes a priority before we go much further, so we are also putting out a call to interested volunteers who would like to spend a few hours a week transcribing these tapes. If you are interested, just let us know and we can get you started. If you have had any experience transcribing from a ta^ recorder, so much the better, but this is not essential. We can show you what to do. This is a very timely and important project, and we look forward to maldng it an ongoing part of the archives prograrmne to preserve as much as possible of West Vancouver’s history. We welcome your involvement. If you are interested, please contact Deborah TXiyttens or Anne Maclean at 925-7295. Hie ¥IVMA offers its first fuii year of School Programmes By Jill Baird, School Programme Curator Programmes being offered range from eductional outreach kits about early West Vancouver history and forest heritage to in-house docent-lead programmes on Gertmde Lawson House. In conjunction with the current exhibit. Cannery Days, there is a new programme which focuses on two different carmer-ies. Great Northern in West Vancouver, and Namu, near Bella Bella. The Education Committee is looking for eager volunteers who enjoy working with elementary and high school students. For more information, caU 925-7295. Gertrude Lawson House Programme uses measuring, recording and observing to develop students’ awareness and understanding of heritage buildings and our own Lawson House. Cannery Days Programme encourages students to create their own canning labels, learn about fish resources and, through activity sheets, explore cannery life from different perspectives. Workshops Taking care of your famiiy treasures Textiles & Objects Jan. 24,7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Photographs & Paper Jan. 31,7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Pre-register at the Recreation Centre, 925-7270. For more information, call 925-7295. Until Feb. 3,1996 West Vancouver Museum & Archives at tlie 17th & Esquimau, 925-7295 l^useum Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 12:00 noon to 4:30 p.inn j^^hives Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday, 12:00 noon to 4:30 pji^ The Museum & Archives will be closed over the Christmas holidays from December 17,1995, to January 9,1996. The West Vancouver Musewn & Archives are operated by the District <^West Vancouver Parks and Recreation Department.