Page 2 WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY September 1995 WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY Offices ‘Gertrude Lawson House’ 680 17th Street West Vancouver, B.C. V7V3T2 Phone-925-7299 PrincIpM Officers President ian Macdonald Vice President Tom Taylor Secretary Susan J. Dirassar Treasurer Ian A. Loudon Hon. Archivist Rupert Harrison Directors Mvy L. Chapman Donald Graham Peter Hall Janis Johnson Hugh D. Johnston Laureen Jones Waring PenUand Gabriele Sinclair Joan Skipper Catherine Tocher Museum Gallery Guide Marguerite Volunteer Coordinator Cassetta Phone 922-3498 Program Chair Jim MacCarthy Phone 922-0989 NewsMtar Htetory-onics Newsletter Staff Managing Editor Anne Vernon Contributions Editor Barbara Johnson Publleher Waring PenUand Production and Distribution Tom Taylor Graphics A Display Laureen Jones Publishing S^edule HISTORY-ONICS is published five times a year; January, March, May, September arKi November, and is distributed to all members of the WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY by mail free of charge. Editorial Policy It is Society Policy: That every effort is made to ensure that all articles are accurate but the Society takes no responsibility for inaccuracies. Corrections and contributions are welcomed. That excerpts from HISTORY-ONICS must be attributed to the WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY aiKl reproductions in whole or in part are not permitted without the express authorization of the Society. Membership Fees Regular Senior (60 and over) $15 per year $10 per year. EXECUTIVE REPORTS By: Ian Macdonald, President A NEW ‘YEAR’ I am now beginning the second year of my two-year term as President. To me a year in the affairs of the Historical Society is like a school year, beginning in September and ending the following June. In these ten months we hold five public meetings, put out five newsletters and have ten Executive Committee business meetings. In addition, there is the popular Christmas Party, several Museum and Archives affairs at Gertrude Lawson House and, of course, the projects and business affairs of the Society. I've found that Society matters take up between five and ten hours a week of my time on average. There are several directors who dedicate at least that much time to such tilings as membership, History-onics, special events and, in some cases, their own favourite projects. I certainly don't begrudge the time I spend and I know that like me, all the others devote their time basically because they enjoy what they are doing. We're all looking forward to a busy and rewarding ten month "year". SCHOOL Kros TO VISIT MUSEUM As you will note in the flyer enclosed with this Newsletter, this year the School Education Program at the Museum has taken a big step forward. As I write in mid-August, interviews are being held for the three day per week position of Education Program Curator. By the time you read this, one of several well-qualified applicants will have been hired. The Historical Society has contributed both time and money to the development of the program. Through us, funds from the North Shore Arts Commission have been dedicated to development of program materials at the Museum as well as education kits which teachers use in the classroom. We have supported other grant applications and Society volunteers have assisted as docents for class visits to the Museum. With the new Curator in place the Museum will offer 20 weeks of class visits during the calendar year. This is another step towards the goal of involving all our community in our history and heritage. Something New and Exciting! We are privileged to be able to offer beautiful hand-hammered silver jewellery - earrings and necklaces with a West Coast theme - which have been created by West Vancouver’s JAN RAVEN SMITH. Jan specialises in printmaking, has won many awards and has had solo exhibitions both internationally and throughout Canada. The Canada Council Art Bank, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Art Gallery and Okanagan College are among many of the institutions which have her work in their collections. Nature Diary of a Q^iet Pedestrian Written and illustrated by Philip Croft Long-time West Vancouver resident, Philip Croft, probably known to many of our members, is the author of several books, a brilliant naturalist and water colourist and a daily walker during his later years. These walks, covering much of West Vancouver, resulted in a collection of interesting material, illustrations of which are included in the book. This record of a complete year of walks also includes much of Mr. Croft’s widespread knowledge of many subjects - history, naturalist lore and personal memories, all of which make a fascinating book to read and appreciate again and again. Price $14.95