RECENT ACaUISITIC'HS 1. China Head Mrs. Vernon Tickell Mrs. Leslie Hughes (While not an archival acquisition, the head has already been used to advantage in displaying the crown of the first May Queen, Peggy Barker, 1931, at the 1985 Community Day Display. In response to comments on how effective it was, Evelyn and Mildred bought it for the Society.) 2. A water colour of Dundarave Castle, Loch Fyne, Scotland, painted and presented by Clifford Upham. 3. Cosy Corner Coffee Bar calendar of 1947, F. Barrington, Prop.,, and the Coronation Edition of the Vancouver Sun, 12 May 1937, presented by Matt Davis. 4. Ferry Bus to Altamont - Ross Minions 5. The Bungalow Store, 1923 - Lawrence Coles 6. The W.C. Thompson family - Lawrence The Thompson home Coles 7. W.V.H.S. Annuals, '45, '46, - Donna (Brotherton) Gal pin. 8. Settler's Chest, filled with photographic equipment and slides from 1920 -Wally and Donna Galpin. 9. Donna Brotherton's flower girl dress, 1937, and Lome Brotherton's band cape , late '3o's, - Donna Galpin. 10. "Ambleside Waterfront Project" and Blue Bus System Report - Brangwyn Upham. To all these, and to the many others whose contributions have not been acknowledged, at least not in print, our best thanks. It is from the offerings of our members that the Society will accomplish its function of building up a historical record of the municipality. _______ YOUHC-ER MEMBERSHIP You may remember that our president, at the Annual General Meeting, indicated a need for a younger membership - not by getting rid of any of our present membership but by adding new members from the younger set. Most of our present membership were adults before World War II and we need to bring into the Society representatives of the post war groups. We have found it hard to get recollections of some of the events from the pre-war years; in a few years it will be just as difficult to get material on the immediate post war period. Among our friends and relatives in the next generation down there must be same who share our interest in the preservation of West Vancouver history. It is something that every member can do for the Society-try to interest younger people to come along to a Society meeting as a prelude to joining and taking an active part in the affairs of the Society. Tuum Est!! THE MAYOR VISITS It was a pleasure to have as a visitor to our meeting the M^or of West Vancouver, Derrick Humphreys. He came to tell the members that he is glad the Society exists because it 15,needed in the community in that without it, the history of the area will not be fully perpetuated. He thanked Rotary for its action in getting the Society started and had many kind words, well deserved, for the work of Rupert Harrison as municipal archi vis t. Mr. Humphreys indicated that he sees in the future a properly equipped and set up museum to house the combined collections of the municipality and the Society (an.d as an aside, the collection of Mr. Bas Collins). It is pleasing to the Society to have the Mayor express his support. It offers encouragement that, when a decision is made, the Society will find itself with the use of the old ferry ticket office as a museum display area. It was good of the mayor to give advance notice that, despite oCir late application, we will receive a grant from the municipal ity. Mayor Humphreys joined with the Executive in welcoming Mr. Bruce Ramsey, who has been commissioned to write a history of West Vancouver for the municipality. Mr. Ramsey has been assured the support of the Society.