REPORT ON ANNUAL OENERAL MEETINi3 7:30 P.M. Pauline Johnson Library, Tuesday 18 March 1986. President Bernard Holt called the meeting to order with 57 members present. He introduced two special guests, Mayor Derrick Humphreys and author Bruce Ramsey (see report following). In his remarks, the president commented that the Society depends on contributions (a list of the contributions received at or through the General Meeting follows). On informed advice, the idea of a museum at 14 Street has been shelved, but a museum within the "cultural-recreational" will still be sought, that is, the area from the Library through Memorial Park to the Senior Centre and the Recreational Centre. In the meantime, the Society is reasonably sure of continued occupancy of Room 14 for at least one more year. A display for Community Day is once again being planned, this time featuring transportation and communication in keeping with the Expo theme. Contributions from members and others of pictures of old cars, buses, horse drawn vehicles, roads, bridges, plus any recollections of travel and communication in early West Vancouver are solicited. Plus of course, written or oral accounts of the early years. Let us hear from some of the first telephone operators as an example. The president thanked the executive for their work during the year, and drew attention to two groups who helped the Society a great deal - Mildred Hughes and her telephone committee, and David Wilson and his collating and distribution group. Georgie Wilson went over in detail the financial report printed in the last news letter, and answered questions on it. Membership Convenor David Wilson expanded on his report. The Society ended 1985 with 164 members; and at the time of the meeting had 188. [and as at 15 April, the number is 202, including 21 corporate members]. David's hard work has really paid off. Mind you, it helps that David and Georgie seem to know everyone who ever lived in West Van. David suggested a change in corporate membership fees, to allow small businesses not situated in West Vancouver to become corporate members at the $35 rate [This has already brought in one new corporate member. ] Hugh Johnston, as Chairman of the Nominating Committee, then conducted the election of officers. It was gratifying to have such a response that, for the first time, an election had to be held. Regrettably, an election means that some one must be defeated. But have no fear, elected or not, there is plenty of work for everybody interested- in the Society. We thank all those who stood for office and assure them that there is a place for all of them in the Society. With the new executive, whose names and phone numbers follow, we look forward to a busy and successful year. There is one non-elected addition to the Executive. We asked for, and received, some-one to act as correspondence secretary - Mrs. Margaret Whiffin was given her first letters to type shortly after the meeting. A new avenue of fund raising was opened up when Vern Tickell let us know that he was making a donation to the Society in memory of Mr. Patrick Fry, an old time resident, who has just passed away. Another member has followed Mr. Tickell's lead and made a donation in memory of Mrs. Frances Howarth, another forty year plus resident. The society, after all, is to perpetuate the memory of long-time residents. As the business had taken longer than expected, a short program of slides was put off until later, and the meeting adjourned for coffee and cookies. As usual, the last few talkers had to be shooed out the door at ten o'clock. But that is the way it should be - our members willing to come and unwilling to go. Such is the bond of fellowship over the years!