\^5S.UrrE 10 NUMBER 1 S ^ r O V W V M ,<i II. S JANUARY 1992 / p J' yOU-: THE NEWSLETTER OF THE WEST VANCOUVER MUSEUM AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY LOCATION: 680 17th Street, West Vancouver, B.C. 926-2SH3 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 91785, WEST Vancouver, B.C. V7V MSI â- 1' Thmv- â- -f THE GERTRUDE LAWSON HOUSE A General Meeting of the West Vancouver Museum & Historical Society will be held on Thursday, January 30th, 1992 in the Auditorium of Cedardale Centre at 7:00 p.m. There will be two guest speakers - Rupert A. Harrison and Ernest Sones each giving a talk on the Lawson family from his own viewpoint. Mr. Harrison will draw on his long and personal association with the Lawson family and Mr. Sones will present a personal glimpse of his residency in the Gertrude Lawson House. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the programme.