Page 3 Specifically; 1. The WesJ^ Vancouver Museum and Historical Society will raise the capital required renovations. to complete the necessary restorations and 2. The West Vancouver Museum and the volunteer support role Museum and Archives. Historical Society will provide for a municipally administered Commitment 1. With the help of Mrs. Pixie Wilson, West Vancouver Rotary, North Shore Rotaract, The District of West Vancouver, GO BC, B.C. Heritage Trust, Mr. Donald W. Richardson and many of our members, we have raised to date in cash and professional services a total of $436,000.00. The current forecast total construction costs is $460,000.00 plus museum display cases, etc. at a cost of $76,000.00 making a total project cost of $536,000.00. This means we still need $100,000.00. We will soon be commencing a series of public events designed to raise the $100,000.00 over the next 12 to 18 months. The first will be a Mammoth Garage Sale. YOUH HELP Jack Leyland Chairman Recently I sent out an appeal to 300 people (ex-students, teachers, colleagues, parents, friends) to help in the campaign to raise an additional $100,000 for the Gertrude Lawson House. (By the way, if you were one of "the 300" please ignore the rest of this article.) Of this amount, the most urgent need is for $24,000 to cover a shortfall in restoration and renovation. The remaining $76,000 will be needed to pay for such things as display cases. What I am about to outline could be called "phase II" of the fund-raising campaign. Specifically, we plan to hold a garage sale in early November or December, day and place to be announced. At this stage, we have a steering committee for this event which includes, besides myself. Daphne Cue, Norma Sissons and Bill Wilson. The committee's immediate goal is twofold: to recruit volunteers and to bring in sale items. Participating in this kind of fund-raiser can be as enjoyable as it is fruitful. Want to help out in organizing this event? Then, please let one of the committee know (I'm at 921-9605, Daphne can be reached at 922-9539, Norma at 925-3460 and Bill at 986-3748.) Besides having to add experienced people to the planning committee, we will need salespeople, pricers, pick-up people, cashiers, sorters, bakers (if we include a bake sale), telephoners, sign/poster makers, table arrangers, clean-up committee members and so on. As they say on Telethons, let's hear those phones RING! Of course, we shall need things to sell. If you are unable to volunteer your services you may be able to help out by donating merchandise. To start with, a bake and home preserves sale is contemplated, not only because it can add to the profits, but also because it gives an event like this a personal touch. And, since a book sale has been suggested, you might search your shelves for items that would appeal to the many readers in the community. Beyond these two proposals there is vzide scope. The question of size and condition of sale items