Page 2 Annual General Meeting Thursday, April 11th, 1991 - Cedardale Centre President Jack Leyland opened the meeting shortly after 7:00 p.m. by welcoming 88 members and guests and with an apology for being a few minutes late. As Jack explained it, he was "in on a first" being one in a line of motorists westbound on the Upper Levels Highway who were routed onto the new underpass at Lonsdale. Held there, not knowing when they would get the go ahead to proceed. Jack was having misgivings about getting to the meeting at all. Secretary Norma Sissons read the minutes of the April 24th, 1990 AGM and they were adopted as read. A presentation was then made to the Society by Mrs. F. B. Wilson (See coverage elsewhere in this issue). The Treasurer's Report was given by Harvey W. Hill and copies of the financial statements were made available for perusal. (See statement of Revenue and Expenses elsewhere in this issue). Jack Leyland thanked Len Ormiston for auditing the Society's books and Len was re-appointed Auditor for a year. The Committee Reports were then presented by their respective chairmen: Membership and Newsletter by Georgie Wilson and Telephone by Georgie Wilson in the absence of Chairman Pat McCrady; The Photographic Report by David Wilson included a reference to a series of black and white prints that had been made from original negatives found in the Gertrude Lawson papers. These 70 year old negatives had not received any special protection and yet produced prints every bit as good as those obtainable from negatives today. (That doesn't say much for some of our faded Ansco prints, circa 1950): Special Events were covered extensively by Chairman Laureen Jones and Tom Taylor of Acquisitions gave an interesting and amusing report by trotting out an unusual col- lection of clutter and somehow convincing us that everything has some value - if only as 'traders' to other collectors - and that we should absolutely never, ever throw anything away. The Archives Report was given by Laura Coles and Rupert Harrison was re-appointed Honorary Archivist for 1991. Joan Skipper thanked Barbara and Hal Johnson for looking after refreshments at all of our meetings; and then Jack Leyland delivered his President's Report commenting on the busy and successful year and his pleasure with the progress we have made in our project to convert the Gertrude Lawson House into a Municipal Museum and Archives. He thanked Jim MacCarthy for his accomplishments on publicity; Mary Chapman for the wonderful job she continues to do in the workroom; Hugh Johnston and George Smith for their on going research on early logging activities and the Navvy Jack House. Georgie Wilson was then called upon to present the Motion regarding the phasing out of Lifetime Memberships effective January 1, 1992. Note: Existing Lifetime Memberships will not be affected. The Motion was moved, seconded and carried. Bill Wilson presented the report of the Nominating Committee and as there were no further nominations from the floor the slate of officers as presented was adopted and carried (See 1991-92 Executive item elsewhere in this issue). It was with great pleasure that David Wilson upon to thank retiring President Jack Leyland time and effort, dedication and enthusiasm t years. The Executive members' gift to Jack ( card created by Laureen Jones) was a Salis power of the talking stick could be compared holds it, holds the floor and can talk i once, a disbelieving Executive witnessed and Well done. Jack. on behalf of our members was called for his tremendous contribution in o the Society during the past three along with a wonderfully inventive h Indian carved talking stick. The to our courtroom gavel. Whoever ndefinitely and uninterrupted. For overcome and speechless President.