Rainbow Jelly Take 1/3 currant jelly, 1/3 lemon jelly and as much plain blancmange. When all are cold and beginning to set, wet a mould, pour in about ^ of the red jelly and set on the ice to harden. Keep the rest in a warm room or near the fire. As soon as the jelly is firm in the bottom of the mould, add carefully some of the white blancmange and return the mould to the ice. When this will bear the weight of more jelly add a little of the lemon and, when this forms, another line of white, proceed in this order, dividing the red from the yellow by white until the jellies are used up. Leave the mould on ice until you are ready to turn the jelly out. A pretty dish and easily managed if one will have the patience to wait after putting in each layer until it is firm enough not to be disturbed or muddled by the next supply. Ginger Cordial 1 gallon whiskey, 3 qts. water (boiling), k pound root ginger, 2 oz. almonds, k lb. raisins, 1 or 2 lemons, 3 lbs. white sugar. Use a 2 Gallon jar and stir every day., Ready in three weeks. Perhaps you'd like to serve a salad with your dinner? A festive idea is to colour the mayonnaise, chopped parsley leaves for green and a tablespoon of lobster coral rubbed through a fine sieve for red. If you still have time on your hands, how about something special for Christmas breakfast? Block off December 23rd and 24th on the calendar for making 2-Day Buns and if you're thinking about serving Prune and Orange Fritters, don't forget you'll need plenty of boiling lard for frying. On the other hand, if all this seems just too, too much for you, the recipe for the turkey stuffed with a chicken, stuffed with a Cornish hen, stuffed with a Spanish onion is yours upon written request. Merry Christmas! Dear All, Please accept the enclosed cheque for twenty dollars ($20.00) in memory of Wilfred Munton who died in July. If possible we'd like the money to go to the Gertrude Lawson fund. Yours sincerely, Clara and Kitty Wilson Vancouver, B. C. Remember last February when all those yellow ducks were schllssing down the Cap River with a price on their heads? The organization behind the Great Duck Race was the North Vancouver Rotary Club and Hugh Johnston is very happy to report that our Society received a cheque for $500.00 for participating in the event. Next year, the Rotary Club of West Vancouver will be taking over sales of tickets for the West Vancouver area and a portion of the sales will be donated to the Historical Society providing we have tickets available for sale during Heritage Week. All you Gamblers Anonymous, please keep that in mind. Also, early in February, we'll be looking for would-be "bookie" volunteers. -7-