From Thornhill , Ontario comes the following: "Would you be so kind as to forward a membership application to me? Through my friend and member, Mary (McLeod) Lee of Simcoe, I have just read the newsletter Vol.8 #3 May, 1990. I was thrilled with the nostalgia and I would like to be a member and to give memberships to my friends from West Van who are far away in miles but not in heart. Thank you kindly. Pat Clarke" From the Editor: Terrific! What an introduction to the "package" below! I hope a lot of you will follow Pat's inspired leadership and swamp us with gift memberships. We'll make the acknowledgments and the gift memberships will start in 1991 with the January "History-onics" MEMBiiJRSHIP F. ; Regular - .;$15.00 per >ear Senior, oO years ana over - $10.00 per year Lifetime, o5 years ana up - $150.00 Make cheque payable to: VJest Vancouver riuseum and Historical Society FROM: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms Donor's name Street City. Rrov postal Ooce A UlFT FOR: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms postal Cooe V IM/UL TO: vvest Vancouver Museum ancl Historical Society P.O. Sox ^17o5 iVest Vancouver, b.O. v?V LSI Please seno tax receipt to: Donor â-¡ Recipient â-¡ Please sena Re/iewal notice to: Donor â-¡ Recipient â-¡ Y WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Since the publication of the September issue of "History-onics", the following persons have joined the Society. Mrs. Diane Fleetham of Surrey and Mrs. Susanne Spohn of Lions Bay. -10-