Page 5 The official opening of the Ferry Building on July 1st found the building was not finished but the 6 panels were. These panels were placed on easels which seemed quite effective. A new layout was required, changing the previous horizontal panels to verticals in order to fit the new wall cases - a great deal of work but with excellent results. From Oct. 24th to 29th, the Society hosted a second display at the Ferry Building. Memorabilia loaned by Bas Collins filled the show cases and the "West Vancouver Then and Now" theme had been expanded to 13 panels. Attendance and interest was very good at all our displays and comments favourable. Greatly appreciated are the 72 members who cheerfully and effectively staffed our displays for a total of 180 m^./woman hoyrs. We couldn't have managed without you. Lavrcen Chairman - Displays NOTICE OF MOTION I'JHEREAS there is a constant need to revitalize the Executive of our Society, AND WHEREAS our by-laws do no provide for that flexibility, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Part #5 - Subsection 24.2 and 24.4 dealing with the election of officers be deleted and replaced with the following: 1. Principal Officers - President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the Directors at the first Executive meeting following the Annual General Meeting. 2. The office of President may only be held consecutively by the same person for a maximum period of two years, (effective following the Annual General Meeting in 1991). NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT The Nominating Committee will nominate the following candidates as Directors of the West Vancouver Museum and Historical Society for a one year term ending March 31, 1991. Mary Chapman Harvey Hill Hugh D. Johnston Laureen Jones Jack Leyland Jim MacCarthy Noma Sissons Tom Taylor Georgia Wilson David Wilson Don Youngson Nominations will be accepted from the floor subject to: (a) Nominee being in attendance (b) Nominee's dues are current (c) Nominee's acceptance (e) The nomination is moved and seconded