MARCH 1990 THE NEWSLETTER OF THE WEST VANCOUVER MUSEUM AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY P.O. BOX 91785, WEST VANCOUVER, B.C. V7V ASl 926-26A5 will be held on Thursday, April 5, 1990 in the Auditorium of Cedardale Centre, formerly known as Cedardale Elementary School. Please take particular note that the meeting will start one-half hour earlier than usual at 7;00 P.M. At the conclusion of the election and business section of the meeting - and time permitting - Hugh Johnston will entertain us with excerpts and anecdotes from the John Lawson Papers. Refreshments will be served. The Society makes every effort to ensure that all articles are accurate and takes no responsibility for inaccuracies. Corrections and contributions are welcomed. Excerpts must be attributed to the West Vancouver Museum and Historical Society and reproductions in whole or part are not permitted without the express authorization of the Society.