If you are faced with the not uncommon dilemma of "what shall I get him/her for Christmas?" - have we got a solution for you! How about starting the new decade with a gift membership in our Society? Your ‘somebody' may, or may not have roots in West Vancouver; may, or may not reside here; but what better way to build a bridge between the past and present than through the five newsletters and meetings that go with membership? And don't overlook the younger people on your list. A gift membership is a wonderful introduction to the Historical Society and we need youthful interest, energy and participation. It's a thoughtful gift - one that won't hurt your pocketbook and will help the Society. So cross those "don't know^ v/i^tâ€"to^et" people off ypur«J.ist by filling in the form below and, at the same time, givit^^ boost to^ur mefTjb^ship. MEMBSRSHIP FEES; Plegular - ^15.00 per ye ax Senior, 60 years and over - $10.00 per year Lifetime, 65 years and up - $150.00 Make cheque payable to: West Vancouver Museum and Historical Society FROM; Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms Donor*s name Street City. Prov postal Code MAiL TO; west Vancouver Museum and Historical Society P.O. Sox yl7o5 West Vancouver, B.G. V?V USl Please send tax receipt to; Donor â-¡ Recipient n Please send Renewal hotice to; Donor n Recipient â-¡ Ul'LCOME NE17 MEMBERS Since the publication of the Septemter issue of "History-onics ', the following persons have joined the Society. The Misses Clara and Kitty Wilson of Vancouver. Many of you will- remember Miss Clara Wilson as a teacher at West Van High. Dr. William S. Simpson of Topeka, Kansas - one of Anne Landers favourite refer-I ences for medical information and H. George Garrish, a long time West Vancouver President who joins as a Lifetime Member.