v/hile from a specially constructed alcove an objet d'art looked on. Before purchasing the long admired figurine, Gertrude had kept a watchful eye on her waiting for the price to be reduced and the day the price matched the dollars in her pocketbook, she bought it. For a time, the statue was referred to as "Rebecca at the Well" but on closer reading of her Bible, Gertrude decided that Rebecca's character could be called to question, and thereafter the figure was known as "Jeannie at the Well". The members of the Ladies Scottish Country Dancing Society, many of them teachers, met regularly - Ethel Millard, Elizabeth Nairn, the two Margarets - Wilson amd Edgar; the two Helens - Barr and Lane; and the two youngest - Betty Kirk and Wilma Gerrie, among others. On occasion, they invited a North Vancouver group to join them for a real party evening. And each September, Gertrude would graciously host a tea at her home to introduce new teachers to the established teaching staff. From time to time, repairs, maintenance and upgrading work was required on the house and then Gertrude would call upon Ed Seip to run addional wiring, or install new ranges, etc. After several rebuffs from others, Gertrude was successful in getting Ed to haul away an old hot water tank that had been all but forgotten in the basement. Ed carted it off to North Van where a scrap dealer gave him $20.00 for it but when he tried to give Gertrude the money, she wouldn't hear of it. The years passed - almost half a century of them, and then on 1989 Gertrude Lawson died. January 22, They met at Hollybum Funeral Chapel on a raw, wet Monday to say goodby to Gertrude Lawson, relative to some, friend to many and teacher to decades of West Vancouver students - to say goodby to this exceptional and esteemed lady no longer in their midst. The little chapel was filled with lilting Scottish tunes so reminiscent of the past. Rev. Evan Fullerton, a long time friend of the family, conducted the eulogy, a moving tribute to this most gentle of women. At the conclusion of the service, those present were invited by niece and namesake Gertrude (Pitman) Wilson to partake of refreshments at "the house that Gertrude built". I think "Gertie" would have liked that. Photo courtesy of Betty Kirk Betty Kirk, Hrs. Lawson, John Lawson, hrs. ana hr. '/dttingham Mrs. John Hart (sisrer of Mrs. Lawson; ana Gertruae Lawson