REPORT ON THE ARCHIVES By Laura Coles The Archives of the West Vancouver Museum and Historical Society has been very active over the fall and winter of 1988. We have processed over 80 different archival donations, including photographs, letters, books and newspapers. The volunteers at the archives have also completed the arrangement of the J. B. Ley-land Papers, over 5 feet of official and private letters, photographs, maps, posters, brochures and other archival material collected by Joseph Leyland, former Reeve of West Vancouver. In January, we plan to prepare a finding aid describing the contents of this collection, so that anyone wishing to learn more about the history of West Vancouver from the 1920’s to the 1960^s can make use of these valuable documents. The Archives accepts donations of any type of historical material relating to West Vancouver at any time â€" from the early years to 1988 â€" including photographs, letters, diaries, maps, artwork, sound recordings such as oral interviews or old broadcasts, books and magazines, pamphlets and brochures, movie films and video tapes and museum artifacts. All donations become the property of the Archives as trustee for the Municipality of West Vancouver and all will be cared for according to proper archival practices. If you would like to donate archival material to the archives, just give us a call at 926-2643. The best day to visit the archives is Wednesday, between 1 and 3 p.m., but we are always happy to arrange another time more convenient to you. If you have material to donate, it is helpful for the volunteers at the archives if you write down (on a separate piece of paper, not on the original items) as much information as possible about the material. Try to answer these questions: WHO is involved? (Who is in the picture? \^o wrote the letter?) VJHAT is going on? (What event, celebration, activity is recorded?) WHERE is it taking place? (The street address, the block, the house?) WHEN did it happen? (What year, month, day?) Any information you can provide will help us with our vrark. Remember, material doesn’t have to be old to be archival. Last year's Community Day, or this year's Remembrance Day are events worthy of notice today and in the future. If we are careful to preserve information about today’s events, these records will be safely preserved for the future, and our history will be secure. We are grateful for all material donated or loaned to the archives. Thanks go to the following people, whose donated or loaned items were processed in Nov-ber and December 1988. Mrs. A.J. Addy Della Charters Larry Coles Barbara Lamb George Smith Bernice Thome Don Youngson (deceased) Nettie Borthwick W. Chittenden Mildred Hughes Jack Leyland Laurie Speck Art Twigg Mary Chapman Dave Coles Peggy Lakusta Doug and Helen Roy Effie Sutherland Leslie Willington