Businesses come and businesses go and some you can’t remember the week after the doors close or the wrecker's ball brings the whole building tumbling down but there are others whose names linger on long after the final click of the key in the lock. Just mention "The Penguin" or "Hollyburn Grill" or "Benders" today and you’ll have people clamouring to tell you exactly where each was located. Add "Sabas" to that list. The name has been synonymous with exotic silks and fine fabrics from the day the doors first swung open on Alexander Saba’s Granville Street store in 1903. Over the years, ladies’and children’s wear were added, branches opened in several malls - including Park Royal, and Alexander’s three sons, Edgar, Clarence and Arnold took over the operation of the business. Later on, Edgar bought out his two brothers, discontinued the ready-to-wear lines and returned the stores to the original concept of fabrics only. When the business was finally sold, the memorable Saba name went with it. This past spring, on April 30th, the final click of the key came to Sabas in Park Royal and with it, the end of an era. â- > Will Makmhn Extended Visit in Eastern. Cities A/TR- AND Mrs. a. SAB^ancl family left Vancouver on Thursday cn route to the east, where they w ’ -lU make a,"lengthy Adsit^fe Montreal, l^ew York, and other points, stopping off at Calgary to be tl guests of relatives. ,, , Mrs. Saba is seen photograph with l\er three boys, Edgar, Clarence and Arnold, all native sons of Vancouve|. ] ^ j The Vancouver Sunday Sun, Vancouver, B.C. Sunday Morning, Feb 10, 1924