ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The annual general meeting was held on Thursday March 24, 1988 with a good turnout of 71 members. Jack Ley land, acting on behalf of Bemie Holt, President, welcomed those present and gave a summary of the past year's activities in general and an update of the situation with the Ferry Office building and our proposed involvement when it is in operation. Jack thanked the executive and members for their co-operation during the past year. He made particular mention of three outgoing directors; Marjorie Murray, who will continue with the Telephone Committee, and Margaret and Frank Whiffin. Margaret will continue as Corresponding Secretary, while Frank will continue with his interest in the Society and things historical. David Wilson in his Membership Report showed a total of 296 members at the close of 1987. A motion was introduced and carried to change the fee structure. Senior age raised from 59 to 60; Lifetime membership age raised from 59 to 65; Lifetime Membership fee raised from $100 to $150. All changes effective January 1, 1989. Frank Whiffin presented his Nominating Report and advised that the Officers were elected by acclamation. There was a nomination from the floor for a director necessitating an election. The final results are: President Jack Leyland 929-1484 Vice-President Hugh Johnston 922-0306 Secretary Lucy E. Smith 929-4703 Treasurer Joan S. Skipper 987-4742 Directors: Hugh P.F. Addison 922-4353 Kathleen Sinclair 926-2995 Bas Collins 922-1127 Robert R. Thompson 922-3408 David E. Wilson 922-9272 Georgie A. Wilson 922-9272 Don Youngson 926-8855 Auditor. Rupert Harrison was appointed Archivist and Len Ormiston, Jack Leyland expressed appreciation for all the hard work performed by the husband and wife team of David and Georgia Wilson in the areas of Finance, History-onics, Membership, Photography, Computer work and "being there". Jack Leyland presented an illuminated scroll to Bernie Holt, President from 1982 - 1988 and spoke of the tremendous amount of work and tireless effort by Bernie over the years. David Wilson gave a most interesting talk on the history of photography showing antique photographic equipment which was donated by Donna Galpin, grand-niece of the late Mr. Porter, Photographer. Time did not permit the showing of a slide presentation.