He must have drawi applause when he agreed the Conservative government was doing good work in Ottawa and would keep power so long as it oio so. There followed readings and musical numbers, Mr. Frank Eagen, Mrs. Watt, Miss Hutcheson, and Messrs. Robertson, Dennis and Stevenson contributing. The article does not mention the aance promised in an earlier press release. Conservative Hall was well ana truly openeaj AN UNEXPECTED USE - SCHOOL When West Vancouver became a separate municipality in 1912, it also became a separate school district. It had in the begiiming only one class ana one teacher, but even that one class swelled from lu students to 2'6 auring the first year. Growth in Dundarave made a school in that area imperative and a room had to be rented until something'could be built. Conservative Hall must have seemea a godsend to the Board, who contractea to rent it for ;t^20.00 a month. DUNDARAVE SCHOOL PHOTO ON STEPS OF CONSERVATIVE HALL, 1913-191A BACK ROW: Les Hayes- Arnold Garthorne; Lauretta sell; Queenie Whight; Kathleen Grady; Vivian Jackman; Willie Watts; Pierce Selwood 3rd ROW; ------------------; Philip Browning; Joe Homma; JaCR Watt(s); Anthony Peers; Jack McMillan; Tom Fenner; Dalzell Cross; ----------------; Henaan McMillan 2nd ROW: --------------; Albert Gisby; Ina Garthorne; Cecily (iaV) Sherman; Sheila Elliott; ----------------- Hay; Jesse Cripps FRONT ROW': Francis Guinan; Nancy Peters; Jean Snell; Joan Durbin; Freaa Garthorne; Maisie Fenner; ---------------Cross; --------------Carter; Winnie Mcriillan TEACHER (Upper right hana cornier) Miss Eva L. Smith When Dundarave School was built at 2'?th Street, the nali was vacatea out, in 1925-26 overcrowding at Pauline Johnson forceo the Boara to use tne Hall again. To be continuea ......................